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B. Rewrite each sentence and open the brackets

1.1..Water...boils... (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade.

2.George......doesn`t go...... (not / go) to the cinema very often.

3..How many languages do you.....speak..... (you / speak)?

4.. The swimming bath open) at 9.00 and (close) at 18.30 every day.

5.What time (the bank / close) in Britain?

6.I have a car but I (not / use) it very often.

7.How many cigarettes (you / smoke) a day?

8."What (you / do)?" "I am an electrical engineer."

9."Where (your father / come) from?"

10. "He (come) from Scotland."

11. I (play) the piano, but I (not / play) very well.

12. I don`t understand the word "deceive". What ("deceive" / mean)?

  1. Think of your working day. How do you spend it? When and how long do you do your homework? How do you study English? What helps you here?
  2. Imagine you already work. Where do you work? What is your position? What do you do? How much money do you get for it?

Present Simple: short answers


Yes, I we you do. they No,   we you don't, they
he she does, it he she doesn't, it


• Nouns * pronouns

'Do the men want some tea?

'Yes, they do.'

• Negative short answers can use the unconnected form:

No, they do Jiot. (this is more emphatic)

4. Write the short answers:

1 'Do you live here? 'Yes, '

2 'Does Mary work in this office?' 'No, '

3 'Does Stephen speak French?' 'No, '

4 'Do the teachers like your work?' 'Yes, '

5 'Do you understand the lessons?' 'No, '

6 'Do they visit you often?' 'No '

7 'Do you like France?1 'Yes, '

8 'Do your parents live in London?' 'Yes,.'

9 'Does your father like modern music?' 'No, '

10 'Does Judy drive to work?1 'Yes,.'

11 'Do your grandparents still enjoy gardening?' 'Yes, '

12 'Does Simon's sister work with you?' 'No,.'

13 'Do John and Alison eat meat?' 'No, '

14 'Docs Tony like adventure films?' 'Yes, '

15 'Do you watch TV at the weekend?' 'No, '

16 'Does your uncle play tennis?' 'Yes.'

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 664 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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