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By Eleanor Farjeon

Eleanor Faijeon wrote delightful and distinctive характерные poems for children. Her first novel was "Ladybrook", a tale of Sussex country life which retained поддержала that delicate humorous touch оттенок which characterized the work she did for children. Her sensitive­ness to beauty and true understanding of the essential qualities of romance романа find expression in this charming rhapsody .

Skipping пропустивший his breakfast paper one day, bewildered растерянный, as he always was, by vital жизненно важными facts about Home Rails, Questions in the House, and Three-Piece Suits костюме-тройке: facts grasped схваченных, as he knew, instantaneously мгновенно in their full import важности all over England by different orders рода of mind воспоминаний from his, through which they slipped as through gauze дымку Anthony's roving блуждающий eye was captured by certain words in a paragraph headed

Mouchard (near the Jura Mountains)

Jura Mountains... Blue smoke... a blue-eyed Alsatian эльзасец... a Concer­tina концертина... the Blue Alsatian Express., many miles from nowhere ниоткуда... hay­making косящие сено damsels девицы in white sunbonnets защищающих от солнца шляпах... hayrakes сенные грабли... laughing at us...

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 437 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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