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Give the gist of Text Three

20.Compose dialogues in the course of which:

a) Rosa and Andrew discuss the film. Rosa's impression of the film is not favour­able, therefore she sounds categoric, irritated and impatient; to convey her attitudes use the intonation pattern "High Head + Lpw Fall". Andrew tries to soothe her, some­ times he is puzzled; make use of the intonation pattern "High Head + Low Rise".

b)Rosa describes her evening at the cinema to a friend of hers in a cool, reserved and dispassionate way; use the intonation pattern "(Low Head +) Low Fall" and "High Head + Low Fall"; her friend, on the contrary, is genuinely interested and encourages further conversation: the intonation pattern "High Fall" with preced­ing "Low Head" or "High Head" or "High Head + Low Rise" could be used.

c) Andrew shares his impressions with a friend of his. The former is deeply im­pressed by the film, therefore he sounds enthusiastic and lively; make use of theintonation patterns "Low Head + High Fall" or "High Head + High Fall". The lat­ter is genuinely interested in Andrew's narration, and encourages further conver­sation; to convey his attitudes the intonation pattern "(Low Head +) Low Rise" and "High Head + Low Rise" should be used.


21. Reread Text Three to discuss the following points of its style.

a) Into what distinct parts does the text fall? Give an appropriate and effective heading to each part. Comment on the variety of stylistic treatments used for each part.

b) Is the author's attitude charged with humour or irony? Prove and illustrate your point.

c) What method of characterization does the author use? Give examples.

d)What is your opinion about the extract? Give it in a few well-motivated sen­tences.


I. Listen to your fellow-student's reading of Ex. 2, correct his mistakes.

II. Ask your fellow-student to read the compound words given in Ex. 3; ask him to beat the time if he makes mistakes in stresses.

III.Listen to your fellow-student's reading of Ex. 4: analyse his mistakes and ask him to correct them.

IV.a) Make up a list of essential vocabulary and phrases to talk films, b) Pre­pare a "micro-lesson" to practise the vocabulary in dialogues and monologues. Use the following expressions of classroom English:

1. Don't be hasty! Think it over! 2. This is probably a good place to stop. 3. You don't seem to know anything except your Fes and No. 4. It sounds ambiguous. 5. Did you spot the difference in pronuncia­tion? 6. That's it! 7. Yes, that sounds like English. 8. You shouldn't monologue on the subject. 9. You have done a good job of work-10.1 see you can't phrase it. 11. You speak too haltingly.

V. a) Define the value of good feature films in bringing up children, b) Make up a list of recent feature films of educational value that you would like to use for class discussions in senior forms, c) Suggest a few questions you might use to stim­ulate the discussion on some of them.

VI. Take up problem-solving situations 1-5 (See the Appendix). Discuss them in class.




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