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EXERCISES. Ex. 17. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

Ex. 17. Search the text for the English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1. двадцатитрёхзначные числа;

2. без вмешательства человека;

3. следует сказать, что;

4. не доверял (сомневался);

5. хранение программы в компьютере;

6. не был знаком c;

7. предвидел;

8. приводился в действие электричеством;

9. едва был собран, как устарел;

10. финансирование исследований в области вычислительной техники;

11. быстродействующие машины для баллистических расчётов;

12. шифровальщики;

13. чтобы взламывать шифры и коды;

14. создан примерно в то же самое время.

Ex. 18. Answer the following alternative questions to the first part of the text. Begin with: I'm sure that… or I'm not sure but I think that…. Add something to develop the situation.

1. Did 100 or 200 years pass before a machine similar to Babbage's Analytical Engine was actually built? ___.

2. Was this machine called Howard Mark I or Harvard Mark I? ___.

3. Did Howard Aiken or a group of IBM engineers design the Mark I computer? ___.

4. Could this calculating machine perform two or four arithmetical operations? ___.

5. Was it a small or huge machine? ___.

6. Did the Mark I weigh more or less than 30 tons? ___.

7. Were the programs stored inside or outside the computer? ___.

8. Were paper tapes or compact disks used for inputting data? ___.

9. Was the Mark I used for commercial or military purposes? ___.

10. Was the Mark I powered by electricity or steam? ___.

11. Were the electromechanical computers high-speed or low-speed machines? ___.

12. Did Aiken build three or four versions of the Mark I? ___.

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