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Ex. 14. Give English equivalents (two or three variants if possible) to the italicized words

1. We пришлось hear about the whole journey from beginning to end.

2. Тебе придётся speed up your rate of work if you должен finish it by the specified date.

3. Data is the particular information that должна be processed by the computer, e.g. numbers, names, measurements.

4. Scanners provide faster and more accurate data entry because humans не нужно type in the data.

5. Ему приходится look through vast amounts of economic data.

6. The Mark I computer должен был be used for calculations related to the development of atomic bomb.

7. Nowadays if you want to get a good job, you следует be computer literate.

8. In the Babbage’s Analytical Engine, instructions должны были be input by means of punched cards.

Ex. 15. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the equivalents of the modal verb must.

1. The ENIAC computer had to be rewired each time when its program was to be changed.

2. A program is a set of instructions that tell the computer what operations have to be carried out and in what order they should be done.

3. You will have to go through a series of dialogue boxes to install the software.

4. Ch. Babbage’s computing machine was to have the same components as a modern computer.

5. The video game called Space Invaders was so popular in Japan that the government had to quadruple production of the 100-yen coin because so many were being used in the machines.

6. Data, which is put into the computer for processing, is to be coded into a binary form.

7. If your modem and telephone share one line, the problem arises when someone else has to phone while modem is in use.

8. To protect the user from radiation, the special protection screen had to be placed between him and the monitor.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 317 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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