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Ex. 9. Memorize the following adverbs

especially – особенно far – намного exactly – точно, ровно nearly – почти, приблизительно actually – фактически, на самом деле directly – непосредственно, прямо nevertheless – тем не менее, однако quite – довольно, достаточно; совершенно, абсолютно

(A) Translate the sentences, paying attention to the italicized adverbs.

1. If you add all these amounts together, you'll get exactly 100.

2. This business software can be ordered directly from the manufacturer.

3. My laptop is quite old, nevertheless it's still reliable.

4. Every time you access your e-mail, you find that you have a lot of unwanted messages, especially e-mails that advertise something.

5. The written record of the conversation doesn’t correspond to what has been actually said.

6. It’s exactly a year since I started working here.

7. Statistics show that far more people are capable of riding a bicycle than can drive a car.

8. The quality of the recording is quite exceptional.

9. The interview will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.

10. Art books are expensive to produce, especially if they contain color illustrations.

(B) Give English equivalents to the italicized words and translate the sentences.

1. There are a lot of spelling mistakes; тем не менее, it’s достаточно a good essay.

2. I don’t want to boast, but I can на самом деле speak six languages.

3. I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house прямо opposite.

4. I am capable of typing довольно fast.

5. No one knows точно how many people use the Internet.

6. We have почти run out of paper. Do you think there is enough for today?

7. There are a намного greater number of women working as programmers than twenty years ago.

8. I'm особенно interested in hearing about your trip to China.

9. Assemble the device точно as shown in the diagram on the left.

10. There are на самом деле lots of people there who can help you.

(C) Fill in the gaps with the required adverbs.

1. To look at him you’d never think he was ___ fifty.

2. The teacher said that her writing skills were ___ below average.

3. Everything went ___ as planned.

4. Historians can't say with precision what ___ happened eight thousand to ten thousand years ago in human history.

5. He found the test difficult, ___ attempted to do it.

6. I love Rome, ___ in the spring.

7. He thought the bag was heavy, but it was ___ light.

8. You should place the picture ___ in the middle of the front page.

Ex. 10. Pay attention to the word proof. It is used as a component of compound words meaning гарантированно защищающий или защищённый от воздействия чего-л.

Model: waterproof raincoat – непромокаемый плащ;

bulletproof vest – пуленепробиваемый жилет, бронежилет.

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