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4 Then the king swam on himself (поплыл вперед сам, самостоятельно; to swim) till he was growing weak (пока не стал слабеть: «становиться все слабее»; to grow – расти, увеличиваться), and said, "It was for the death of me (на мою смерть) that the black pig came in my way."

5 But he swam on some distance yet (все же еще некоторое расстояние), till at last he saw land (землю). The pig went up on an island (вышла на остров); the king too went on shore, and said to himself: "Oh! it is for no good (не к добру) that I came here; there is neither house nor shelter to be seen (тут ни дома, ни приюта не видать)." But he cheered up (но он успокоился, воспрянул духом) after a while, walked around, and said, "I'm a useless man (я бесполезный = ни на что не годный человек) if I can't find shelter in some place."

island [`aıl∂nd]

1 THERE was a king in Erin long ago, and this king went out hunting one day, but saw nothing till near sunset, when what should come across him but a black pig.

2 "Since I've seen nothing all day but this black pig, I'll be at her now," said the king; so he put spurs to his horse and raced after the pig.

3 When the pig was on a hill he was in the valley behind her; when he was on a hill, the pig was in the valley before him. At last they came to the sea-side, and the pig rushed out into the deep water straight from the shore. The king spurred on his horse and followed the black pig through the sea till his horse failed under him and was drowned.

4 Then the king swam on himself till he was growing weak, and said, "It was for the death of me that the black pig came in my way."

5 But he swam on some distance yet, till at last he saw land. The pig went up on an island; the king too went on shore, and said to himself: "Oh! it is for no good that I came here; there is neither house nor shelter to be seen." But he cheered up after a while, walked around, and said, "I'm a useless man if I can't find shelter in some place."

1 After going on a short space (короткое расстояние, пространство) he saw a great castle in a valley before him. When he came to the front of the castle he saw that it had a low door with a broad threshold (низкую дверь с широким порогом) all covered with sharp-edged razors (полностью покрытым бритвами с острыми лезвиями; edge – лезвие; кромка, край), and a low lintel of long-pointed needles (и низкую перемычку /двери/ с длинными иголками; point – острие). The path to the castle was covered with gravel of gold (тропинка к замку была покрыта золотым гравием). The king came up, and went in with a jump (прыжком) over the razors and under the needles. When inside he saw a great fire on a broad hearth (на каминной плите /под очагом/), and said to himself, "I'll sit down here, dry my clothes (посушу мою одежду), and warm my body at this fire (и погрею мое тело у этого огня)."

2 As he sat and warmed himself, a table came out before him with every sort of food and drink, without his seeing any one bring it.

3 "Upon my honor and power (клянусь моей честью и силой: «мощью»; upon - на)," said the king of Erin, "there is nothing bad in this! I'll eat and drink my fill."

4 Then he fell to (принялся), and ate and drank his fill. When he had grown tired (когда утомился: «стал уставшим), he looked behind him, and if he did he saw a fine room (и тут же увидел прекрасное помещение), and in it a bed covered with gold. "Well," said he, "I'll go back and sleep in that bed a while, I'm so tired."

5 He stretched himself on the bed and fell asleep (растянулся на кровати и заснул). In the night he woke up, and felt the presence of a woman in the room (и почувствовал присутствие женщины в помещении; to feel). He reached out his hand towards her (он протянул к ней свою руку) and spoke, but got no answer; she was silent (была молчалива = молчала).

threshold [`θre∫h∂uld] lintel [lıntl] hearth [hα:θ] honor [`on∂]

1 After going on a short space he saw a great castle in a valley before him. When he came to the front of the castle he saw that it had a low door with a broad threshold all covered with sharp-edged razors, and a low lintel of long-pointed needles. The path to the castle was covered with gravel of gold. The king came up, and went in with a jump over the razors and under the needles. When inside he saw a great fire on a broad hearth, and said to himself, "I'll sit down here, dry my clothes, and warm my body at this fire."

2 As he sat and warmed himself, a table came out before him with every sort of food and drink, without his seeing any one bring it.

3 "Upon my honor and power," said the king of Erin, "there is nothing bad in this! I'll eat and drink my fill."

4 Then he fell to, and ate and drank his fill. When he had grown tired, he looked behind him, and if he did he saw a fine room, and in it a bed covered with gold. "Well," said he, "I'll go back and sleep in that bed a while, I'm so tired."

5 He stretched himself on the bed and fell asleep. In the night he woke up, and felt the presence of a woman in the room. He reached out his hand towards her and spoke, but got no answer; she was silent.

1 When morning came, and he made his way out of the castle, she spread a beautiful garden with her Druidic spells (друидскими чарами = чарами друидов /кельтских жрецов и колдунов/) over the island, - so great (такой огромный, великолепный) that though he travelled through it all day he could not escape from it (бежать, уйти из него). At sunset he was back at the door of the castle; and in he went over the razors and under the needles, sat at the fire, and the table came out before him as on the previous evening (как и прошлым, предыдущим вечером). He ate, drank, and slept on the bed; and when he woke in the night, there was the woman in the room but she was silent and unseen as before.

2 When he went out on the second morning the king of Erin saw a garden three times more beautiful than the one of the day before. He travelled all day, but could not escape, - could not get out of the garden. At sunset he was back at the door of the castle; in he went over the razors and under the needles, ate, drank, and slept, as before.

previous [`pri:vj∂s] silent [`saıl∂nt]

1 When morning came, and he made his way out of the castle, she spread a beautiful garden with her Druidic spells over the island, - so great that though he travelled through it all day he could not escape from it. At sunset he was back at the door of the castle; and in he went over the razors and under the needles, sat at the fire, and the table came out before him as on the previous evening. He ate, drank, and slept on the bed; and when he woke in the night, there was the woman in the room but she was silent and unseen as before.

2 When he went out on the second morning the king of Erin saw a garden three times more beautiful than the one of the day before. He travelled all day, but could not escape, - could not get out of the garden. At sunset he was back at the door of the castle; in he went over the razors and under the needles, ate, drank, and slept, as before.

1 In the middle of the night he woke, and felt the presence of the woman in the room. "Well," said he, "it is a wonderful thing for me (чудесная вещь для меня) to pass three nights (провести три ночи) in a room with a woman, and not see her nor know who she is (и не увидеть ее и не узнать, кто она)!"

2 "You won't have that to say again (тебе не придется говорить это снова), king of Erin," answered a voice (ответил голос). And that moment the room was filled with a bright light (комната наполнилась: «была наполнена» ярким светом), and the king looked upon the finest woman he had ever seen.

3 Well, king of Erin, you are on Lonesome Island. I am the black pig that enticed you (которая соблазнила, заманила тебя)over the land and through the sea to this place, and I am queen of Lonesome Island. My two sisters and I are under a Druidic spell, and we cannot escape from this spell till your son and mine shall free us (пока твой сын и мой не освободит нас). Now, king of Erin, I will give you a boat (лодку, судно) tomorrow morning, and do you sail away (и отправляйся под парусом, плыви; sail – парус; to sail – идти под парусом) to your own kingdom."

4 In the morning she went with him to the sea-shore to the boat. The king gave the prow (нос) of the boat to the sea, and its stern (корму) to the land; then he raised the sails, and went his way. The music he had (музыка, которая у него была = его сопровождала) was the roaring of the wind (была рев ветра) with the whistling of eels (со свистом угрей), and he broke neither oar nor mast (и он не сломал ни весла, ни мачты; to break) till he landed under his own castle in Erin (пока не причалил под своим собственным замком).

entice [ın`taıs] prow [prau] oar [o:]

1 In the middle of the night he woke, and felt the presence of the woman in the room. "Well," said he, "it is a wonderful thing for me to pass three nights in a room with a woman, and not see her nor know who she is!"

2 "You won't have that to say again, king of Erin," answered a voice. And that moment the room was filled with a bright light, and the king looked upon the finest woman he had ever seen.

3 Well, king of Erin, you are on Lonesome Island. I am the black pig that enticed youover the land and through the sea to this place, and I am queen of Lonesome Island. My two sisters and I are under a Druidic spell, and we cannot escape from this spell till your son and mine shall free us. Now, king of Erin, I will give you a boat tomorrow morning, and do you sail away to your own kingdom."

4 In the morning she went with him to the sea-shore to the boat. The king gave the prow of the boat to the sea, and its stern to the land; then he raised the sails, and went his way. The music he had was the roaring of the wind with the whistling of eels, and he broke neither oar nor mast till he landed under his own castle in Erin.

1 Three quarters of a year after (три четверти года спустя), the queen of Lonesome Island gave birth to a son (родила сына: «дала рождение сыну»). She reared him (она растила, воспитывала его) with care (с заботой) from day to day and year to year till he was a splendid youth (великолепным юношей). She taught him the learning of wise men (она обучала его науке, знанию мудрецов: «мудрых людей»; to teach – учить, обучать) one half of the day (одну половину дня), and warlike exercises (а воинственным упражнениям; war – война) with Druidic spells the other half.

2 One time the young man, the prince of Lonesome Island, came in from hunting, and found his mother sobbing and crying (рыдающей и плачущей).

3 "Oh! what has happened to you, mother?" he asked.

4 "My son, great grief has come on me (большое несчастье, большая беда нашла на меня). A friend of mine is going to be killed tomorrow (один мой друг будет завтра убит)."

5 "Who is he?"

6 "The king of Erin. The king of Spain has come against him (против него) with a great army. He wishes to sweep him and his men (желает смести его и его людей) from the face of the earth (с лица земли), and take the kingdom himself."

7 "Well, what can we do? If I were there (если бы я был там), I'd help (я бы помог) the king of Erin."

8 Since you say that (поскольку ты так говоришь), my son, I'll send you this very evening (я пошлю тебя прямо сегодня вечером: «этим самым вечером»). With the power of my Druidic spells, you'll be in Erin in the morning."

rear [rı∂] taught [to:t]

1 Three quarters of a year after, the queen of Lonesome Island gave birth to a son. She reared him with care from day to day and year to year till he was a splendid youth. She taught him the learning of wise men one half of the day, and warlike exercises with Druidic spells the other half.

2 One time the young man, the prince of Lonesome Island, came in from hunting, and found his mother sobbing and crying.

3 "Oh! what has happened to you, mother?" he asked.

4 "My son, great grief has come on me. A friend of mine is going to be killed tomorrow."

5 "Who is he?"

6 "The king of Erin. The king of Spain has come against him with a great army. He wishes to sweep him and his men from the face of the earth, and take the kingdom himself."

7 "Well, what can we do? If I were there, I'd help the king of Erin."

8 Since you say that, my son, I'll send you this very evening. With the power of my Druidic spells, you'll be in Erin in the morning."

1 The prince of Lonesome Island went away that night, and next morning at the rising of the sun he drew up his boat (вытащил /наверх, на берег/; to draw) under the king's castle in Erin. He went ashore (на берег), and saw the whole land black with the forces of the king of Spain (что вся страна, земля черна от /военных/ сил = войск короля Испании), who was getting ready (который готовился: «становился, делал себя готовым») to attack the king of Erin and sweep him and his men from the face of the earth.

2 The prince went straight to the king of Spain, and said, "I ask one day's truce (перемирия)."

3 "You shall have it, my champion (воин)," answered the king of Spain.

4 The prince then went to the castle of the king of Erin, and stayed there that day as a guest. Next morning early (рано) he dressed himself in his champion's array (он оделся в свое воинское снаряжение, убранство), and, taking his nine-edged sword (меч с девятью лезвиями), he went down alone (спустился один) to the king of Spain, and, standing before him, bade him (попросил, предложил ему; to bid) guard himself (защищаться).

5 They closed in conflict (они сошлись в бою: «в розни, соперничестве»), the king of Spain with all his forces on one side, and the prince of Lonesome Island on the other. They fought an awful battle (бились ужасной битвой) that day from sunrise till sunset. They made soft places hard (сделали, делали мягкие места твердыми), and hard places soft; they made high places low (высокие места низкими), and low places high; they brought water out of the centre of hard gray rocks (они приводили, выводили воду из сердцевины жестких серых скал), and made dry rushes soft (и делали сухиe тростники мягкими) in the most distant parts (в самых отдаленных частях = областях) of Erin till sunset; and when the sun went down, the king of Spain and his last man (и его последний человек = воин) were dead (мертвы) on the field.

6 Neither the king of Erin nor his forces took part (не принимали участия) in the battle. They had no need (не было нужды, потребности), and they had no chance.

attack [∂`tæk] truce [tru:s] array [∂`reı]

1 The prince of Lonesome Island went away that night, and next morning at the rising of the sun he drew up his boat under the king's castle in Erin. He went ashore, and saw the whole land black with the forces of the king of Spain, who was getting ready to attack the king of Erin and sweep him and his men from the face of the earth.

2 The prince went straight to the king of Spain, and said, "I ask one day's truce."

3 "You shall have it, my champion," answered the king of Spain.

4 The prince then went to the castle of the king of Erin, and stayed there that day as a guest. Next morning early he dressed himself in his champion's array, and, taking his nine-edged sword, he went down alone to the king of Spain, and, standing before him, bade him guard himself.

5 They closed in conflict, the king of Spain with all his forces on one side, and the prince of Lonesome Island on the other. They fought an awful battle that day from sunrise till sunset. They made soft places hard, and hard places soft; they made high places low, and low places high; they brought water out of the centre of hard gray rocks, and made dry rushes soft in the most distant parts of Erin till sunset; and when the sun went down, the king of Spain and his last man were dead on the field.

6 Neither the king of Erin nor his forces took part in the battle. They had no need, and they had no chance.

1 Now the king of Erin had two sons, who were such cowards (которые были такими трусами) that they hid themselves from fright during the battle (что они спрятались от страха во время битвы; to hide); but their mother told the king of Erin that her elder son was the man who had destroyed (разрушил = уничтожил) the king of Spain and all his men.

2 There was great rejoicing (великая радость) and a feast at the castle of the king of Erin. At the end of the feast the queen said, "I wish to give the last cup to this stranger (я желаю дать последний кубок этому чужеземцу) who is here as a guest," and taking him to an adjoining chamber (и отведя: «взяв» его в прилегающую комнату; to join – соединять/ся/) which had a window right over the sea (которая имела окно прямо над морем), she seated him in the open window (она усадила его в открытом окне) and gave him a cup of drowsiness (сонливости; to drowse – дремать, быть сонным; drowse - дремота) to drink. When he had emptied the cup (опустошил кубок; empty – пустой) and closed his eyes, she pushed him out into the darkness (она вытолкнула его в темноту).

coward [`kau∂d] destroy [dı`stroı] chamber [`t∫eımb∂] drowse [drauz]

1 Now the king of Erin had two sons, who were such cowards that they hid themselves from fright during the battle; but their mother told the king of Erin that her elder son was the man who had destroyed the king of Spain and all his men.

2 There was great rejoicing and a feast at the castle of the king of Erin. At the end of the feast the queen said, "I wish to give the last cup to this stranger who is here as a guest," and taking him to an adjoining chamber which had a window right over the sea, she seated him in the open window and gave him a cup of drowsiness to drink. When he had emptied the cup and closed his eyes, she pushed him out into the darkness.

1 The prince of Lonesome Island swam on the water for four days and nights, till he came to a rock in the ocean, and there he lived for three months, eating the seaweeds of the rock (поедая водоросли со скалы; weed – сорная трава), till one foggy day (пока одним туманным днем; fog - туман) a vessel came near (/не/ приблизилось судно) and the captain cried out, "We shall be wrecked on this rock (мы потерпим кораблекрушение, разобьемся на этой скале)!" Then he said, "There is some one (кто-то) on the rock; go and see who it is."

2 They landed, and found the prince, his clothes all gone, his body black from the seaweed, which was growing all over it.

3 "Who are you?" asked the captain.

4 "Give me first (сначала) to eat and drink, and then I'll talk," said he.

5 They brought him food and drink; and when he had eaten and drunk, the prince said to the captain, "What part of the world have you come from (из какой части света вы прибыли)?"

6 "I have just sailed from Lonesome Island," said the captain. "I was obliged to sail away (я был вынужден уплыть), for fire was coming from every side (потому что огонь подступал со всех сторон: «с каждой стороны») to burn my ship (/чтобы/ сжечь мой корабль)."

7 "Would you like to go back (вы бы хотели вернуться)?"

8 "I should indeed (да, конечно)."

9 "Well, turn around (поворачивайте); you'll have no trouble if I am with you."

ocean [`∂u∫(∂)n] vessel [vesl] captain [`kæptın] oblige [∂b`laıdż]

1 The prince of Lonesome Island swam on the water for four days and nights, till he came to a rock in the ocean, and there he lived for three months, eating the seaweeds of the rock, till one foggy day a vessel came near and the captain cried out, "We shall be wrecked on this rock!" Then he said, "There is some one on the rock; go and see who it is."

2 They landed, and found the prince, his clothes all gone, his body black from the seaweed, which was growing all over it.

3 "Who are you?" asked the captain.

4 "Give me first to eat and drink, and then I'll talk," said he.

5 They brought him food and drink; and when he had eaten and drunk, the prince said to the captain, "What part of the world have you come from?"

6 "I have just sailed from Lonesome Island," said the captain. "I was obliged to sail away, for fire was coming from every side to burn my ship."

7 "Would you like to go back?"

8 "I should indeed."

9 "Well, turn around; you'll have no trouble if I am with you."

1 The captain returned (вернулся). The queen of Lone-some Island was standing on the shore as the ship came in.

2 "Oh, my child!" cried she, "why have you been away so long (почему тебя не было, ты отсутствовал так долго)?"

3 "The queen of Erin threw me into the sea after I had kept the head of the king of Erin on him (после того как я сохранил голову короля Эрина на нем; to keep), and saved her life too (и спас ее жизнь тоже)."

4 "Well, my son, that will come up against the queen of Erin (это выйдет против = это /ей/ выйдет боком) on another day (когда-нибудь: «в другой день»)."

5 Now, the prince lived on Lonesome Island three years longer, till one time he came home from hunting, and found his mother wringing her hands (ломающей: «выкручивающей, перекручивающей» свои руки) and shedding bitter tears (и роняющей, льющей горькие слезы).

6 "Oh! what has happened?" asked he.

7 "I am weeping (я плачу) because the king of Spain has gone to take vengeance (отомстить: «взять месть») on the king of Erin for the death of his father (за смерть его отца), whom you killed (котoрого ты убил)."

8 "Well, mother, I'll go to help the king of Erin, if you give me leave (если ты меня отпустишь: «дашь мне отпуск»)."

9 "Since you have said it, you shall go this very night."

10 He went to the shore. Putting the prow of his bark to the sea and her stern to land, he raised high the sails, and heard no sound as he went but the pleasant wind (кроме приятного ветра) and the whistling of eels, till he pulled up his boat next morning under the castle of the king of Erin and went on shore.

11 The whole country was black with the troops of the king of Spain, who was just ready to attack, when the prince stood before him, and asked a truce till next morning.

12 "That you shall have, my champion," answered the king. So there was peace (мир) for that day.

13 Next morning at sunrise, the prince faced the king of Spain and his army, and there followed a struggle more terrible than that with his father (и вот последовало сражение более ужасное, чем то, что с его отцом); but at sunset neither the king of Spain nor one of his men was left alive (были оставлены в живых).

vengeance [`vendż(∂)ns] death [deθ]

1 The captain returned. The queen of Lone-some Island was standing on the shore as the ship came in.

2 "Oh, my child!" cried she, "why have you been away so long?"

3 "The queen of Erin threw me into the sea after I had kept the head of the king of Erin on him, and saved her life too."

4 "Well, my son, that will come up against the queen of Erin on another day."

5 Now, the prince lived on Lonesome Island three years longer, till one time he came home from hunting, and found his mother wringing her hands and shedding bitter tears.

6 "Oh! what has happened?" asked he.

7 "I am weeping because the king of Spain has gone to take vengeance on the king of Erin for the death of his father, whom you killed."

8 "Well, mother, I'll go to help the king of Erin, if you give me leave."

9 "Since you have said it, you shall go this very night."

10 He went to the shore. Putting the prow of his bark to the sea and her stern to land, he raised high the sails, and heard no sound as he went but the pleasant wind and the whistling of eels, till he pulled up his boat next morning under the castle of the king of Erin and went on shore.

11 The whole country was black with the troops of the king of Spain, who was just ready to attack, when the prince stood before him, and asked a truce till next morning.

12 "That you shall have, my champion," answered the king. So there was peace for that day.

13 Next morning at sunrise, the prince faced the king of Spain and his army, and there followed a struggle more terrible than that with his father; but at sunset neither the king of Spain nor one of his men was left alive.

1 The two sons of the king of Erin were frightened almost to death (испуганы почти до смерти), and hid during the battle, so that no one saw them or knew where they were. But when the king of Spain and his army were destroyed, the queen said to the king, "My elder son has saved us (спас нас)." Then she went to bed, and taking the blood of a chicken in her mouth (взяв кровь цыпленка в свой рот), spat it out (выплюнула ее; to spit), saying, "This is my heart's blood (это кровь моего сердца); and nothing can cure me now (и ничто не может исцелить меня теперь) but three bottles of water (кроме трех бутылок воды) from Tubber Tintye, the flaming well (пламенеющего = огненного родника, колодца; flame – пламя; to flame - пламенеть)."

2 When the prince was told of the sickness (когда принцу было сказано о болезни; sick - больной) of the queen of Erin, he came to her and said, "I'll go for the water if your two sons will go with me."

3 "They shall go," said the queen; and away went the three young men towards the East (к востоку), in search (на поиск, в поиске) of the flaming well.

frighten [fraıtn] almost [`o:lm∂ust] search [s∂:t∫]

1 The two sons of the king of Erin were frightened almost to death, and hid during the battle, so that no one saw them or knew where they were. But when the king of Spain and his army were destroyed, the queen said to the king, "My elder son has saved us." Then she went to bed, and taking the blood of a chicken in her mouth, spat it out, saying, "This is my heart's blood; and nothing can cure me now but three bottles of water from Tubber Tintye, the flaming well."

2 When the prince was told of the sickness of the queen of Erin, he came to her and said, "I'll go for the water if your two sons will go with me."

3 "They shall go," said the queen; and away went the three young men towards the East, in search of the flaming well.

1 In the morning they came to a house on the roadside (на краю дороги); and going in, they saw a woman who had washed herself in a golden basin (которая умывалась: «мыла себя» в золотом тазу) which stood before her. She was then wetting (мочила; wet – мокрый) her head with the water in the basin, and combing her hair with a golden comb (и причесывала свои волосы золотым гребнем). She threw back her hair, and looking at the prince, said, "You are welcome, sister's son. What is on you (что с тобой случилось: «что на тебе»)? Is it the misfortune of the world (мирская неудача, несчастье) that has brought you here?"

2 "It is not; I am going to Tubber Tintye for three bottles of water."

3 "That is what you'll never do; no man can cross the fiery river (никто не может перейти, пересечь огненную, пламенную реку; fire – огонь) or go through the enchantments around (или пройти сквозь чары = зачарованные места вокруг, окружающие) Tubber Tintye. Stay here with me, and I'll give you all I have."

4 "No, I cannot stay, I must go on."

5 "Well, you'll be in your other aunt's house (в доме другой твоей тети) tomorrow night, and she will tell you all."

6 Next morning, when they were getting ready to take the road, the elder son of the queen of Erin was frightened at what he had heard, and said,

7 "I am sick (я болен); I cannot go farther (дальше)."

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 240 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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