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Потужність електродвигуна головного руху, кВт ......................... 8,0 4 страница

3 The white dog was in dread that the king wouldn't leave him inside with the company, but would drive him from the castle to the yard, and that the dogs outside wouldn't leave a patch of skin on his back, but would tear the life out of him.

4 The youngest daughter comforted him. "There is no danger to you," said she, "for wherever I am, you'll be, and wherever you go, I'll follow and take care of you."

1 When all was ready for the feast at the castle (когда все было готово для пира в замке), and the company were assembled (и общество собралось), the king was for banishing the white dog (король был за изгнание, за то, чтобы прогнать белого пса); but the youngest daughter would not listen to her father (но младшая дочь не захотела слушать своего отца), - would not let the white dog out of her sight (не хотела выпускать белого пса из виду), but kept him near her (но держала: «хранила» его возле себя; to keep) at the feast (на пиру), and divided with him the food (и делила, разделяла с ним еду) that came to herself (которая подавалась ей).

2 When the feast was over (когда пир закончился, был окончен), and all the guests had gone (и все гости ушли; to go), the three sisters went to their own rooms in the castle (три сестры пошли в их собственные комнаты в замке).

3 Late in the evening (поздно вечером) the queen took the cook with her (королева взяла с собой повара), and stole in (и прокралась; to steаl – красть/ся/) to see what was in her daughters' rooms (посмотреть, что было в комнатах ее дочерей). They were all asleep at the time (они все спали: «были спящими» в это время). What should she see (что должна она была увидеть) by the side of her youngest daughter (возле своей младшей дочери; side – сторона, бок) but the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on (как не самого красивого мужчину, который когда-либо ей попадался на глаза).

4 Then she went to where the other two daughters were sleeping (затем она пошла туда, где другие две дочери спали: «были спящими»); and there (и там), instead of the two men who brought them to the feast (вместо двух мужчин, которые привели, привезли их на пир; to bring), were two seals, fast asleep (были два тюленя, крепко спящие).

ready [`redı] banish [`bænı∫] asleep [∂`sli:p]

1 When all was ready for the feast at the castle, and the company were assembled, the king was for banishing the white dog; but the youngest daughter would not listen to her father, - would not let the white dog out of her sight, but kept him near her at the feast, and divided with him the food that came to herself.

2 When the feast was over, and all the guests had gone, the three sisters went to their own rooms in the castle.

3 Late in the evening the queen took the cook with her, and stole in to see what was in her daughters' rooms. They were all asleep at the time. What should she see by the side of her youngest daughter but the most beautiful man she had ever laid eyes on.

4 Then she went to where the other two daughters were sleeping; and there, instead of the two men who brought them to the feast, were two seals, fast asleep.

1 The queen was greatly troubled (королева была очень расстроена, обеспокоена) at the sight of the seals (при виде /этих/ двух тюленей). When she and the cook were returning (когда она и повар возвращались), they came upon the skin of the white dog (они наткнулись на шкуру белого пса). She caught it up (она подобрала, подхватила ее /вверх/; to catch – ловить, схватывать) as she went (когда шла = на ходу), and threw it into the kitchen fire (и бросила ее в огонь очага; kitchen – кухня; to throw).

2 The skin was not five minutes in the fire (не пробыла и пяти минут в огне) when it gave a crack (как она издала треск) that woke not only all in the castle (который разбудил не только всех в замке; to wake), but all in the country (но и всех в сельской местности, вне замка) for miles around (на мили = на много миль вокруг).

3 The husband of the youngest daughter sprang up (вскочил; to spring – прыгать). He was very angry (он был очень сердит) and very sorry (и очень раздосадован; to be sorry – сожалеть о чем-либо), and said,

4 "If I had been able (если бы я мог, если бы у меня получилось: «был способен») to spend three nights with you (провести три ночи с тобой) under your father's roof (под кровом: «крышей» твоего отца), I should have got back my own form again (я бы получил обратно мой собственный вид снова) for good (навсегда), and could have been a man (и мог бы быть мужчиной) both in the day and the night (как днем, так и ночью; both – оба); but now I must go (но теперь я должен уйти)."

return [rı`t∂:n] fire [faı∂] able [eıbl]

1 The queen was greatly troubled at the sight of the seals. When she and the cook were returning, they came upon the skin of the white dog. She caught it up as she went, and threw it into the kitchen fire.

2 The skin was not five minutes in the fire when it gave a crack that woke not only all in the castle, but all in the country for miles around.

3 The husband of the youngest daughter sprang up. He was very angry and very sorry, and said,

4 "If I had been able to spend three nights with you under your father's roof, I should have got back my own form again for good, and could have been a man both in the day and the night; but now I must go."

1 He rose from the bed (он поднялся с кровати; to rise), ran out of the castle (выбежал из замка; to run), and away he went (и прочь он отправился) as fast as ever his two legs could carry him (так быстро, как только его две ноги могли нести его), overtaking the one before him (обгоняя одного = того /что/ перед ним), and leaving the one behind (и оставляя другого позади) = (всех обгоняя). He was this way (он был «таким путем = образом», так он бежал) all that night and the next day (всю ту ночь и следующий день); but he couldn't leave the wife (но он не мог оставить, покинуть жену = оторваться от жены), for she followed from the castle (потому что она следовала /за ним/ от замка), was after him (была /вслед/ за ним = гналась за ним) in the night and the day too (ночью и днем тоже), and never lost sight of him (и никогда не выпускала его из виду: «не теряла его вида»; to lose).

2 In the afternoon (после полудня; noon – полдень) he turned (он повернулся, обернулся), and told her to go back to her father (и сказал ей, чтобы она шла обратно к своему отцу: «сказал ей идти обратно к ее отцу»; to tell); but she would not listen to him (но она не хотела слушать его, послушаться его). At nightfall (при наступлении ночи; to fall – падать; fall – падение) they came to the first house (они добрались до первого дома) they had seen (который они увидели; to see) since leaving the castle (с тех пор, как покинули замок: «со /времени/ оставления замка»). He turned and said,

3 "Do you go inside (иди, зайди внутрь) and stay in this house till morning (и оставайся в этом доме до утра); I'll pass the night outside (я проведу ночь снаружи) where I am (где я есть /сейчас/)."

after [α:ft∂] turn [t∂:n] pass [pα:s]

1 He rose from the bed, ran out of the castle, and away he went as fast as ever his two legs could carry him, overtaking the one before him, and leaving the one behind. He was this way all that night and the next day; but he couldn't leave the wife, for she followed from the castle, was after him in the night and the day too, and never lost sight of him.

2 In the afternoon he turned, and told her to go back to her father; but she would not listen to him. At nightfall they came to the first house they had seen since leaving the castle. He turned and said,

3 "Do you go inside and stay in this house till morning; I'll pass the night outside where I am."

1 The wife went in. The woman of the house rose up (женщина дома = которая была в этом доме, поднялась), gave her a pleasant welcome (радушно приветствовала гостью: «дала ей приятное = дружелюбное ‘добро пожаловать’»), and put a good supper before her (и поставила хороший ужин перед ней). She was not long in the house (она не долго /еще/ пробыла в доме) when a little boy came to her knee (как: «когда» маленький мальчик подошел к ее колену) and called her "Mother" (и назвал ее ‘мамой’).

2 The woman of the house told the child to go back to his place (сказала ребенку, чтобы он пошел назад на свое место), and not to come out again (и /чтобы/ больше: «снова» не выходил).

3 "Here are a pair of scissors (вот /тебе/ ножницы: «здесь есть пара ножниц»)," said the woman of the house to the king's daughter, "and they will serve you well (и они хорошо тебе послужат = сослужат тебе хорошую службу). Whatever ragged people you see (каких бы оборванных людей ты ни увидела = когда увидишь каких-нибудь людей в лохмотьях; rag – тряпка, лоскут; обрывок, клочок), if you cut a piece off their rags (если ты отрежешь кусочек от их лохмотьев), that moment they will have new clothes of cloth of gold (в этот момент они получат: «будут иметь» новую одежду из парчи: «золотой ткани»)."

knee [ni:] scissors [`sız∂z] piece [pi:s]

1 The wife went in. The woman of the house rose up, gave her a pleasant welcome, and put a good supper before her. She was not long in the house when a little boy came to her knee and called her "Mother."

2 The woman of the house told the child to go back to his place, and not to come out again.

3 "Here are a pair of scissors," said the woman of the house to the king's daughter, "and they will serve you well. Whatever ragged people you see, if you cut a piece off their rags, that moment they will have new clothes of cloth of gold."

1 She stayed that night, for she had good welcome. Next morning when she went out, her husband said, "You'd better go home now to your father (ты бы лучше пошла домой сейчас, к своему отцу)."

2 "I'll not go to my father if I have to leave you (если мне придется оставить тебя)," said she.

3 So he went on (так, итак он пошел дальше), and she followed. It was that way (и так продолжалось: «это было таким образом, путем») all the day till night came (весь день, пока не наступила ночь); and at nightfall they saw another house at the foot of a hill (а при наступлении ночи они увидели другой дом у подножья холма), and again the husband stopped (остановился) and said, "You go in; I'll stop outside till morning."

4 The woman of the house gave her a good welcome. After she had eaten and drunk (после того, как она поела и попила; to eat; to drink), a little boy came out of another room (маленький мальчик вышел из другой комнаты), ran to her knee (подбежал к ее колену; to run), and said, "Mother". The woman of the house sent the boy back (отослала мальчика назад) to where he had come from (туда, откуда он вышел), and told him to stay there (и сказала ему оставаться там).

5 Next morning, when the princess was going out to her husband, the woman of the house gave her a comb (расческу, гребень), and said, "If you meet any person with a diseased and a sore head (если ты повстречаешь кого-либо с больной или болящей головой; desease – болезнь; sore – болячка, язва; больной, воспаленный), and draw this comb over it three times (и проведешь этой расческой по ней трижды: «три раза»), the head will be well (голова выздоровеет, излечится: «будет хороша, в порядке»), and covered with the most beautiful golden hair (и покрыта самыми красивыми золотыми волосами) ever seen (когда-либо виденными; to see)."

6 She took the comb, and went out to her husband.

comb [k∂um] diseased [dızi:zd] sore [so:]

1 She stayed that night, for she had good welcome. Next morning when she went out, her husband said, "You'd better go home now to your father."

2 "I'll not go to my father if I have to leave you," said she.

3 So he went on, and she followed. It was that way all the day till night came; and at nightfall they saw another house at the foot of a hill, and again the husband stopped and said, "You go in; I'll stop outside till morning."

4 The woman of the house gave her a good welcome. After she had eaten and drunk, a little boy came out of another room, ran to her knee, and said, "Mother". The woman of the house sent the boy back to where he had come from, and told him to stay there.

5 Next morning, when the princess was going out to her husband, the woman of the house gave her a comb, and said, "If you meet any person with a diseased and a sore head, and draw this comb over it three times, the head will be well, and covered with the most beautiful golden hair ever seen."

6 She took the comb, and went out to her husband.

1 "Leave me now (оставь меня теперь)," said he, "and go back to your own father (и иди назад к своему собственному отцу)."

2 "I will not (не /пойду/, не собираюсь)," said she, "but I will follow you (но я буду следовать за тобой) while I have the power (пока в силах: «имею силу, мощь»)." So they went forward that day (так они шли дальше: «вперед» тот день), as on the other two (как и в другие два = как и в предыдущие два дня).

3 At nightfall they came to a third house, at the foot of a hill, where the princess received a good welcome (где принцесса получила хороший = гостеприимный прием). After she had eaten supper (после того, как она съела ужин), a little girl with only one eye (маленькая девочка с одним только глазом) came to her knee and said, "Mother."

4 The princess began to cry at sight of the child (начала плакать при виде этого ребенка; to begin), thinking that she herself was the cause (думая, что она сама была причиной) that it had but one eye (что она имела только один глаз). Then she put her hand into her pocket (затем она сунула свою руку в карман) where she kept the handkerchief (где она хранила платочек; to keep) on which she had dropped the tear (на который она уронила слезу) when the gray crow carried her infant away (когда серая ворона унесла прочь ее ребенка). She had never used the handkerchief since that day (она никогда не использовала этот платок, не пользовалась платком с того дня), for there was an eye on it (потому что /там/ был глаз на нем = в нем).

5 She opened the handkerchief (она открыла = развернула платок), and put the eye in the girl's head (и поместила, вставила глаз в голову девочки). It grew into the socket that minute (он врос в глазницу в ту же минуту; socket – впадина, углубление, гнездо; to grow), and the child saw out of it (и ребенок видел из него; to see) as well as out of the other eye (так же хорошо, как и из другого глаза); and then the woman of the house sent the little one to bed (отправила, послала малышку в кровать = отправила спать).

6 Next morning, as the king's daughter was going out (на следующее утро, когда королевская дочь выходила: «была выходящей»), the woman of the house gave her a whistle (дала ей свисток), and said, "Whenever you put this whistle to your mouth (как только ты приложишь, приставишь этот свисток к твоему рту) and blow on it (и подуешь на него), all the birds of the air (все птицы, которые в воздухе: «все птицы воздуха» = все птицы небесные) will come to you from every quarter under the sun (прилетят к тебе со всех сторон: «с каждой стороны» под солнцем; quarter – четверть; квартал; здесь – одна из четырех сторон света). Be careful of the whistle (береги этот свисток: «будь осторожен, заботлив со свистком»; care - забота), as it may serve you greatly (ибо он может послужить тебе отлично)."

receive [rı`si:v] cause [ko:z] mouth [mauθ]

1 "Leave me now," said he, "and go back to your own father."

2 "I will not," said she, "but I will follow you while I have the power." So they went forward that day, as on the other two.

3 At nightfall they came to a third house, at the foot of a hill, where the princess received a good welcome. After she had eaten supper, a little girl with only one eye came to her knee and said, "Mother."

4 The princess began to cry at sight of the child, thinking that she herself was the cause that it had but one eye. Then she put her hand into her pocket where she kept the handkerchief on which she had dropped the tear when the gray crow carried her infant away. She had never used the handkerchief since that day, for there was an eye on it.

5 She opened the handkerchief, and put the eye in the girl's head. It grew into the socket that minute, and the child saw out of it as well as out of the other eye; and then the woman of the house sent the little one to bed.

6 Next morning, as the king's daughter was going out, the woman of the house gave her a whistle, and said, "Whenever you put this whistle to your mouth and blow on it, all the birds of the air will come to you from every quarter under the sun. Be careful of the whistle, as it may serve you greatly."

1 "Go back to your father's castle," said the husband when she came to him, "for I must leave you today."

2 They went on together a few hundred yards (они прошли дальше вместе /еще/ несколько: «немного» сотен ярдов; 1 yard = 3 feet = 91.44 centimetres), and then sat on a green hillock (а затем сели на зеленый холмик), and he told the wife (и он сказал жене),

3 "Your mother has come between us (твоя мать встала: «вошла» между нами); but for her (если бы не она) we might have lived together all our days (мы могли бы жить вместе все наши дни). If I had been allowed (если бы мне было разрешено, позволено) to pass three nights with you in your father's house (провести с тобой три ночи в доме твоего отца), I should have got back my form of a man (я бы получил обратно мой человеческий облик) both in the daytime and the night (и в дневное время, и ночью). The Queen of Tir na n-Og [the land of youth] (королева Страны Юности) enchanted (заколдовала: «очаровала») and put on me a spell (и наложила на меня колдовство, заклятие), that unless I could spend three nights with a wife under her father's roof in Erin (что, пока я не проведу три ночи с женой под крышей ее отца в Эрине), I should bear the form of a white dog one half of my time (я буду носить облик белого пса половину моего времени); but if the skin of the dog should be burned (но если шкура пса будет сожжена) before the three nights were over (до того, как истекут три ночи), I must go down to her kingdom (я должен спуститься: «пойти вниз» в ее королевство) and marry the queen herself (и жениться на самой /этой/ королеве). And 't is to her I am going today (и это к ней я сегодня иду, ухожу). I have no power to stay (у меня нет силы = возможности остаться), and I must leave you (и я должен оставить тебя); so farewell (итак, прощай), you'll never see me again (ты никогда больше не увидишь меня) on the upper earth (на поверхности земли: «на верхней земле»)."

4 He left her sitting on the mound (он оставил ее сидящей на холме; mound – насыпь, холм, курган; to leave), went a few steps forward (прошел несколько шагов вперед) to some bulrushes (к камышам), pulled up one (вытащил один /из них/), and disappeared in the opening (и исчез в отверстии) where the rush had been (где был /прежде/ камыш, тростник).

youth [ju:θ] enchant [ın`t∫α:nt] disappear [dıs∂`pı∂]

1 "Go back to your father's castle," said the husband when she came to him, "for I must leave you today."

2 They went on together a few hundred yards, and then sat on a green hillock, and he told the wife,

3 "Your mother has come between us; but for her we might have lived together all our days. If I had been allowed to pass three nights with you in your father's house, I should have got back my form of a man both in the daytime and the night. The Queen of Tir na n-Og [the land of youth] enchanted and put on me a spell, that unless I could spend three nights with a wife under her father's roof in Erin, I should bear the form of a white dog one half of my time; but if the skin of the dog should be burned before the three nights were over, I must go down to her kingdom and marry the queen herself. And 't is to her I am going today. I have no power to stay, and I must leave you; so farewell, you'll never see me again on the upper earth."

4 He left her sitting on the mound, went a few steps forward to some bulrushes, pulled up one, and disappeared in the opening where the rush had been.

1 She stopped there (она оставалась там), sitting on the mound lamenting (сидя на холме /и/ жалуясь = плача), till evening (до вечера), not knowing what to do (не зная, что делать). At last (в конце концов, наконец) she bethought herself (она опомнилась; to bethink), and going to the rushes (и, подойдя к тростникам), pulled up a stalk (вытащила стебель), went down (пошла = спустилась вниз), followed her husband (последовала за своим супругом), and never stopped (и никогда = вовсе не останавливалась) till she came to the lower land (пока /не/ дошла до нижней земли, страны, области).

2 After a while (некоторое время спустя; a while – промежуток времени) she reached a small house near a splendid castle (она добралась до: «достигла» маленького домика возле великолепного дворца). She went into the house and asked, could she stay there till morning (может ли она остаться там до утра). "You can (ты можешь)," said the woman of the house, "and welcome (и добро пожаловать)."

3 Next day the woman of the house was washing clothes (на следующий день хозяйка: «женщина дома» стирала одежду), for that was how she made a living (потому что именно так она зарабатывала на жизнь: «делала проживание»; to make – делать; to live - жить). The princess fell to (приступила к /тому же/; to fall – падать; to fall to - начинать, приниматься /за что-либо/) and helped her with the work (и помогла ей с работой). In the course of that day (в течение этого дня) the Queen of Tir na n-Og and the husband of the princess were married (поженились: «были обвенчаны»).

stalk [sto:k] low [l∂u] work [w∂:k]

1 She stopped there, sitting on the mound lamenting, till evening, not knowing what to do. At last she bethought herself, and going to the rushes, pulled up a stalk, went down, followed her husband, and never stopped till she came to the lower land.

2 After a while she reached a small house near a splendid castle. She went into the house and asked, could she stay there till morning. "You can," said the woman of the house, "and welcome."

3 Next day the woman of the house was washing clothes, for that was how she made a living. The princess fell to and helped her with the work. In the course of that day the Queen of Tir na n-Og and the husband of the princess were married.

1 Near the castle (возле замка), and not far from the washer-woman's (и недалеко от /дома/ прачки), lived a henwife (жила женщина, разводящая кур; hen – курица) with two ragged little daughters (с двумя оборванными маленькими дочерьми; rags – тряпки, лохмотья). One of them came around the washer-woman's house to play (одна из них приходила поиграть возле: «вокруг» дома прачки). The child looked so poor (ребенок выглядел таким бедным, жалким) and her clothes were so torn and dirty (и ее одежда была такой рваной и грязной; to tear – рвать, разрывать) that the princess took pity on her (сжалилась: «взяла жалость» над ней) and cut the clothes with the scissors which she had (и разрезала одежду ножницами, которые были у нее).

2 That moment the most beautiful dress (в тот момент самое прекрасное платье) of cloth of gold (из золотой ткани, парчи) ever seen on woman or child in that kingdom (когда-либо виденное на женщине или ребенке в том королевстве) was on the henwife's daughter (было на дочери женщины, разводящей кур).

3 When she saw what she had on (когда она увидела, что было на ней /надето/: «что она имела на»; to see), the child ran home to her mother (ребенок побежал домой к своей матери; to run) as fast as ever she could go (так быстро, как только она могла идти).

4 "Who gave you that dress (кто дал тебе это платье; to give)?" asked the henwife.

5 "A strange woman (чужая, посторонняя женщина) that is in that house beyond (которая вон в том доме; beyond – вдали, на расстоянии; за, по ту сторону)," said the little girl, pointing (указывая) to the washer-woman's house.

around [∂`raund] poor [pu∂] pity [`pıtı]

1 Near the castle, and not far from the washer-woman's, lived a henwife with two ragged little daughters. One of them came around the washer-woman's house to play. The child looked so poor and her clothes were so torn and dirty that the princess took pity on her, and cut the clothes with the scissors which she had.

2 That moment the most beautiful dress of cloth of gold ever seen on woman or child in that kingdom was on the henwife's daughter.

3 When she saw what she had on, the child ran home to her mother as fast as ever she could go.

4 "Who gave you that dress?" asked the henwife.

5 "A strange woman that is in that house beyond," said the little girl, pointing to the washer-woman's house.

1 The henwife went straight (прямо) to the Queen of Tir na n-Og and said, "There is a strange woman in the place (есть тут чужая женщина в этом месте = в наших краях), who will be likely (которая, видимо, намеревается; likely – видимо; like - похожий) to take your husband from you (забрать у тебя твоего мужа), unless you banish her away (если только ты не изгонишь ее; unless – если не, пока не) or do something to her (или не сделаешь чего-нибудь с ней); for she has a pair of scissors (потому что у нее есть ножницы) different from anything (отличные = отличающиеся от чего-либо) ever seen or heard of (когда-либо виденного или слышанного; to see - видеть; to hear of... – слышать о чем-либо) in this country (в этой стране)."

2 When the queen heard this (когда королева услышала это) she sent word to the princess that (она послала сказать: «послала слово» принцессе, что; to send), unless the scissors were given up to her without delay (если ножницы не будут отданы ей без промедления; to give up – сдавать, отдавать), she would have the head off her (она прикажет отрубить ей голову: «она будет иметь голову снесенной с нее»).

3 The princess said she would give up the scissors if the queen would let her (если королева позволит ей: «пустит ее») pass one night with her husband (провести одну ночь с ее супругом).

4 The queen answered that she was willing to give her the one night (королева ответила, что она согласна дать = предоставить ей эту одну ночь). The princess came and gave up the scissors, and went to her own husband; but the queen had given him a drink (но королева дала ему питье, напиток), and he fell asleep (и он заснул: «упал спящим = впал в сон»; to fall), and never woke (и никогда = вовсе не проснулся; to wake) till after the princess had gone in the morning (лишь после того /проснулся/, когда: «до после того, как» принцесса ушла утром).

different [`dıfr∂nt] without [wı`ðaut] delay [dı`leı]

1 The henwife went straight to the Queen of Tir na n-Og and said, "There is a strange woman in the place, who will be likely to take your husband from you, unless you banish her away or do something to her; for she has a pair of scissors different from anything ever seen or heard of in this country."

2 When the queen heard this she sent word to the princess that, unless the scissors were given up to her without delay, she would have the head off her.

3 The princess said she would give up the scissors if the queen would let her pass one night with her husband.

4 The queen answered that she was willing to give her the one night. The princess came and gave up the scissors, and went to her own husband; but the queen had given him a drink, and he fell asleep, and never woke till after the princess had gone in the morning.

1 Next day another daughter (на следующий день другая дочь) of the henwife went to the washer-woman's house to play. She was wretched-looking (она была жалко, несчастно выглядящей; wretch – несчастный, бедняга), her head being covered (ее голова была: «будучи» покрыта) with scabs (струпами, паршой) and sores (и болячками).

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