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Text 2 Major Developments in Higher Education Today

The new century has brought changes practically in all spheres of global communication and global economy. This directly made an impact in education sector leading to several structural changes in the form, organisation and delivery of educational services.

Expansion: The share of highly-qualified persons is increasing. This is a world-wide trend not limited to economically advanced societies. Changing employment structures, increasing expectations of educational participation and the academization of a growing number of professions, promote the expansion of higher education.

Differentiation: Apart from providing scientific training in a given subject, study programmes must meet differentiated social requirements and convey technical skills which higher education has not offered so far.

Greater flexibility: The disappearance of traditional professional patterns and growing individualisation call for a multiplication of study options. Individual combinations of studies should be allowed; students should acquire self-organisation and self-upgrading skills.

In terms of contents, the emphasis lies increasingly on the transmission and acquisition of key competencies, or multi-functional skills. These skills comprise competencies to be acquired in addition to subject-matter know-how and are to enable students to cope with the requirements of different work settings and cultures, as well as with work-related crises.

Employability is to ensure a stronger link between higher education and practice, since higher education which is purely based on technical contents is no longer considered adequate to meet the needs of professional practice.

Internationalisation strategies are designed to promote international mobility and convey intercultural skills.

Lifelong learning stands for further qualifications which employed persons acquire independently and for which universities offer demand-driven qualification programmes, a process which increasingly blurs the borders to traditional subject studies. The notion of lifelong learning is to enable and widen participation in higher education regardless of age, status or gender.

Acting with a view to quality and competitiveness: Trends which are making themselves felt already today will be prolonged in a quest for quality and competitiveness.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 303 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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