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SPEAKING. 1. Imagine a friend is going away to University

1. Imagine a friend is going away to University. Give him or her some advice by completing these sentences. The first one has been done as an example:

1) In the first week, go to all the meetings to … (get to know other students).

2) When you meet the staff, ask lots of questions to …

3) Go for a walk around the university campus, so …

4) Find out what your timetable is, so as not to …

5) Make lots of notes in every lecture, so that …

6) Do as much work as you can now in case …

7) Buy all the recommended books straight away in case …

2. a) Read the dialogue. Make up 10 questions and answer them.

A college instructor from abroad is interested in the training and employment of Belarusian school leavers.

College instructor. How do you cope with the army of young people who leave your secondary schools?

Correspondent: Thousands of higher, special secondary and vocational schools, plants, construction sites, collective farms in all parts of the country are always eager to receive the young people. There is a suitable place for every school leaver.

College instructor: Are there any changes in the admittance rules and the programme of entrance examinations in connection with the increased number of school leavers wishing to attend higher school?

Correspondent: There are no particular changes. The only crite­rion for admittance to higher and special secondary schools is knowledge and ability. The majority of students receive a monthly state scholarship. If the student comes from another town or from a village, he is given a place in a hostel. There are many opportunities for every leaver to find work or continue to study.

b) Dramatize the dialogue with a partner. Make up your own dialogue about your University.

3. Suggested topics for conversation:

1) Education in Belarus. BSEU. (A dialogue between a Russian and an English student)

2) Your first day at the University.

3) The examination you have failed at.

4) Your favourite lecturer.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 540 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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