Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã Ãëàâíàÿ | Ñëó÷àéíàÿ ñòðàíèöà | Êîíòàêòû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!  

Legal bases and organizational elements of industrial policy|politics| of the EU

As the EU is|appear| a special political, legal and economic|economical| association of the countries, its powers in the field of industrial policy|politics| are set by intergovernmental Treaties|contract|.

The purpose of the EU was defined in Treaty|contract| on European Union|conjunction| (from 7.02.1992 with changes|changing| by Amsterdam Treaty|contract| of 2.10 1997 and by Nice Treaty|contract| of 26.02.2001) in the article 2|definite|: «... to promote economic|economical| and social progress, and also high level|Y-level| of employment, to attain balanced|depthbalanced| and permanent|withstand| development, especially|in particular case| by creation|making| of the space without|senza| internal|inlying| borders, by strengthening|boostering| of economic|economical| and social grouping and by formation of economic|economical| and currency union|conjunction|;...». This purpose determines the general|common| tasks|task| of industrial policy|politics| of the EU.

Treaty|contract| on European Community (taking into account Nice of changes|changing|):

Article 3

For achievement of certain|definite| in the article of 2 aims activity of Community, which|what| is carried out in accordance|homology| with terms, foreseen this Treaty, includes|switch|:


m) increase|rise| of competitiveness of industry of Community;

n) assistance|contributory| to research|work-up| and technological development;


Section|division| I «Free movement of goods|primage|», article 27

During realization of tasks|task| which|what| are incumbent Commission.., it|her| follows:.


b) by the evolution of terms of competition into Community, there are degrees in that, in which|what| it will be instrumental|assist| in the increase|rise| of competitiveness of enterprises;

c) by the requirements of Community in providing|ADM| raw material and ready-to-cook foods; in this connection|as a result| Commission will worry about that the terms of competition were not violated|excite| between the states-members|limb| in relation to|in regard to| the prepared products|production|;

d) by a necessity to avoid serious shocks|fallout| in the economy of the states-members|limb| and provide|secure| rational development of production and growth|height| of consumption|comsumption| in Communities.

Section|division| XVI «Industry», article 157

1. An Community and states-members|limb| provide|secure| terms, necessary for stimulation of competitiveness of industry of Community.

To that end, in accordance with|according to| the system of open market economy, their action|act|, directed|ducted| on:

– an acceleration of adaptation|accomodation| of industry is to|by| the structural|structure| changes|changing|;

– assistance|contributory| creation|making| of favourable|auspicious| environment|Wednesday| for development of enterprise everywhere in Communities, especially|in particular case| small|mini| and middle|AV|;

– creation|making| of favourable|auspicious| terms is for a collaboration between enterprises;

– assistance|contributory| the best use|utillizing| of industrial potential of innovative policy|politics|, development of researches|work-up| and technologies|technicology|.

2. The states-members|limb| conduct conferences with each other, in touch with Commission and, if it is necessary, co-ordinate the actions|act|.

3. An Community is instrumental|assists| in achievement of aims, contained|, in a paragraph 1, through|from| a policy|politics| and activity, that conducted in accordance with|according to| other provisions of the real|this| Contract. Advice, which operates|act| in accordance with|according to| procedure|proc|, foreseen in the article 261, and after consultations|advisory| with the Economic|economical| and social committee, a decision can decree|assert| unanimously about the special measures|step| in support actions|act|, which|what| are carried out the states-members|limb| for achievement of aims, contained |, in a paragraph 1.

This section|division| does not contain|maintain| grounds for introduction|introducting| of some|any| measures|step|, which|what| would result in|to| violation of competition or that contain|maintain| tax positions|rule| or that behave to the rights interests of persons|personality| which|what| work by hiring |, Community.

Lisbon strategy:

A chapter 17 «Industry», article 173

1. An union|conjunction| and states-members|limb| must guarantee terms which|what| are needed for the competitiveness of industry of Union|conjunction|. To that end, in accordance|homology| from system of the opened|reveal| and competition markets, must be aimed on their action|act|:

– an acceleration of adaptation of industry is to the structural changes;

– encouragement of external environment, favourable to initiative, in relation to development of duties on Union on the whole, especially that touches the enterprises of small and middle business;

– encouragement|encouragingly| of external|outward| environment|Wednesday|, favourable|auspicious| to|by| the collaboration between enterprises;

– more complete use|utillizing| of industrial potential of innovative policy|politics|, researches|work-up| and technological development.

2. The states-members|limb| must advise each other jointly|together| with Commission and, where it is necessary, must co-ordinate the actions|act|. A commission can undertake any|some| useful|benefit| initiative for advancement of such co-ordination, in specific initiatives, which|what| conduce to formation of leading principles and indicators, organization of exchange|transput| front-rank|foremost| experience|tentative|, and preparation of necessary elements, for periodic control and estimations|estimation|. European parliament it must be good informed.

3. The Union|conjunction| must be instrumental|assist| in achievement of aims, contained|, in a paragraph 1 through|from| a policy|politics| and actions|act| which|what| pursue the proper other terms of Treaties|contract|. European parliament and Advice, which|what| operate|act| in accordance|homology| with ordinary|usual| parliamentary procedure and after consultations|advisory| with the Economic|economical| and social committee, can define certain|definite| measures|step| in support of actions|act| which|what| will be realized in the states-members|limb|, to attain aims, contained in a paragraph 1, inclusive with any|some| harmonization of laws and decisions|regulation| of the states-members|limb|.

This section|division| must not provide|secure| foundation for introduction|introducting| of any|some| measure|sunset|, which|what| would result in|to| curvature of competition or contain|maintain| tax terms or terms which|what| touch|concern| rights and interests of the hired workers, Union|conjunction|.

Institutional provision|ADM| of industrial policy|politics| foresees not only establishment of legal bases but also functional|function| system of institutions which|what| are engaged into its development|elaboration| and implementation.

The basic|main| institutions of the EU which carry out industrial policy|politics| of the EU are|Carbro|:

1. Council of the EU is a main|head| legislative body of the EU, expert groups are involved in activity of which|what| (for preparation of projects of decisions);

2. European Council is a body of strategic planning and co-ordination of countries of the EU;

3. European Parliament as a legislative body of the EU, within the limits of which|what| is engaged in the questions of industrial policy|politics| Committee on Industry, Researches|work-up| and Energy|power| (ITRE|), Committee on Environment, Social Health and Consumers Protection|consumer|, Committee on Economic|economical| and Payment Issues etc.|;

4. European Commission (EC) as a main|head| executive institution of the EU, initiator|pioneer| of policy|politics| of the EU in all spheres of economy, which|what| has a right for initiation of bill. Within the limits of EC such directorates are engaged into the industrial policy|politics| sphere|immediately|:

· General Directorate on enterprise and industry (before|earlier| is Directorate in matters of industry, afterwards is Directorate from an enterprise), in particular|including| Directorate from issues of small and middle|AV| business;

· General Directorate on competition policy|politics|;

· General Directorate on SciTech (scientific|science| researches|);

· General Directorate on environment;

· General Directorate on energy|power|;

· General Directorate on regional policy|politics|;

· General Directorate on transport;

· General Directorate on taxation and customs union;

· General Directorate on internal|inlying| market and market of services;

· General Directorate on consumers |protection|rights protection|consumer|;

· General Directorate on trade (common market);

· General Directorate on labour employment, public welfare, creation|making| of equal possibilities|potentialitie|;

· General Directorate on programs of financing and budget;

· General Directorate on health protection;

· General Directorate on biotechnology|biogeotechnologies|, agriculture and food stuffs (agriculture and development of rural districts|region|);

· General Directorate is from an economy and currency policy|politics|.

In development|elaboration| of measures|step| of industrial policy|politics| within the framework of the plenary powers take part Directorates from: administrative questions|, internal|inlying| audit, fight against financial|cost| abuses and swindle|swintling| in the system the EU; facilities of communication and mass information; fishing|fishing| and seaworthiness’s; education|formation|, professional preparation and culture; expansion|amplification| of the EU; to development and humanitarian help; international relations, relationships with countries-neighbours.

As consultant bodies on development|elaboration| of industrial policy|politics| are also involved: A group is from areas realization of Lisbon strategy; Advice is on questions of competitiveness; European Advice is on questions of industry; Council of ministers of industry; Advice is from an economic|economical| competitiveness; Advice from future priorities|precedency| for the increased|anti-collision| collaboration in the field of trade education and preparation; European advice of chemical|chinagraph| industry but|yes| other.

5. European Investment bank as a financial and credit institute|institution|, created for investment support of realization of political aims of the EU, financing of projects which|what| have the European value|importance|, financial|cost| help to small|mini| and middle|AV| enterprises;

6. Committee of Regions – co-ordinates support for regions of the EU in accordance with|according to| the tasks|task| of regional policy|politics|;

7. Economic|economical| and Social Committee is a main|head| consultant body on economic|economical| and social policy|politics|;

8. Committee on Employment is a consultant body on realization of policy|politics| in the field of employment;

9. European Court is a main|head| judicial body of the EU, which|what| provides|secure| judicial|judical| control on implementation of legislation of the EU;

10. Council on Economic|economical| and Financial|cost| questions (Ecofin|) is a main|head| consultant body on financial|cost| policy|politics|;

11. European Court of Auditors is a main|head| body of financial|cost| control of the EU;

12. European Central|center| Bank|banque| is an emission centre|heartland| and subject of monetary policy|politics| of the EU.


Additional institutions of the EU and special establishments which|what| operate|act| within the limits of the EU and in co-operating with his|its| bodies take part in development|elaboration| and realization of certain measures|step| of industrial and enterprise policy|politics| of the EU. They are:

· European statistical|collation| agency (Eurostat|);

· European patent department (EPO|);

· European advice of chemical|chinagraph| industry (CEFIC|)

· Scientific and technical|scitech| committee on science (CREST|);

· European institute|institution| of innovations and technologies|technicology| (EIT|)

· European scientifically technological assembly (ESTA|);

· Consultative committee of industrial research-and-developments (IRDAC|);

· European defensive agency (EOA);

· European service of employment (EURES|);

· European chemical|chinagraph| agency (EXA|);

· European defensive agency (EDA|);

· European Communities of research and technological organizations (EARTO|);

· European centre|heartland| of development of trade education (Cedefop|);

· Agency on harmonization of internal|inlying| market (OHIM|);

· Bodies of European Community on atomic|nuclear-powered| energy – Euratom (Commission of Euratom, Advice of Euratom);

· Research fund of Coal|chaircoal| and Steel (RFCS|);

· European committee on standardization (CEN|);

· European committee of electrical engineering standardization (CENELEC|);

· European confederation of postal and telecommunication managements (SERT);

· European institute|institution| of telecommunication standards|standart| (ETSI);

· European marketing confederation (EMC|), in particular|including| Committee on development|elaboration| of professional standards|standart| (CERCOM|);

· European organization of quality (EOQ|);

· European fund of quality management (EFQM|);

· European organization is from tests|assay| and certification|sertification| (EOTS|).

Interests of industrial enterprises in the process of the EU industrial policy measures|step| development|elaboration| |politics|are represented by|represent| the following|downstream| organizations:

1. Union|conjunction| of businessmen association of the EU countries (BusinessEurope |) – represents interests of employers, mainly|par excellence|, from the sectors of industry, trade and services (usually does not interfere in questions which|what| touch|concern| the concrete sectors of industry); operates|act| both on official|formal| and on unofficial|informal| levels|Y-level|; presented|represent| in official|formal| consultative structures and bodies of the EU (advisory commissions of EC and EP). The special committee which|what| is engaged in the problems of small|mini| and middle|AV| enterprises operates|act| in BusinessEurope|;

2. Enterprise| Strategy| Group|, European| Enterprise| Group| – carries|performs| out monitoring of markets, conducts analytics of industry trends, develops the measures|step| of informative management and informative safety|crashworthiness|;

3. Council| of European| Employers| of| the| Metal|, Engineering| and| Technology-Based| Industries|, CEEMET| – presents interest of enterprises of metallurgy and engineer at co-operating with the bodies of national authorities of countries and by the institutes|institution| of the EU; is presented|represent| in official|formal| consultative structures and bodies of the EU (advisory commissions of EC and EP);

4. European| Confederation| of| Iron| and| Steel| Industries|, Eurofer| – protects|non-load-bearing| interests of enterprises-producers of metal production at development|elaboration| of measures|step| of industrial and trade policy|politics| of the EU;

5. European| Metalworkers| Federation|, EMF| – protects|non-load-bearing| interest of workers of metallurgical industry and their associations|unification|, comes forward the opponent of Communities of employers, in particular|including| Eurofer|;

6. European| Trade| Union| Confederation|, ETUC| – protects|non-load-bearing| interests of trade unions, has status of «social partner», comes forward as an opponent of BusinessEurope| (UNICE|) in the process of «social dialog|dialoque|»; presented|represent| in official|formal| consultative structures and organs|viscus| of the EU (advisory commissions of EC and EP);

7. E uropean| Centre| of| Employers| and| Enterprises| providing| Public| services|, CEEP | – protects|non-load-bearing| interests of state|domainal| enterprises and producers of services of common interest, has status of «social partner», focuses attention|attn.| on the questions of help enterprises, rules of competition, taxation, industrial policy|politics| etc|.; presented|represent| in official|formal| consultative structures and organs|viscus| of the EU (advisory commissions of EC and EP);

8. Association of European Professional Chambers of Commerce and Industry, EUROCHAMBERS| – protects|non-load-bearing| interest of national unions|conjunction| (commercial and industrial chambers and industrial enterprises), has status of «social partner», presented|represent| in official|formal| consultative structures and bodies of the EU (advisory commissions of EC and EP);

9. European| Round| Table|, ERT| or European| Roundtable| of| Industrialists| – protects interests of the biggest European companies|Co.| and business concerns; its working-groups act on such directions: policy|politics| in the field of competition, labour-market, information systems, export control, relations between the EU and the USA, reform of taxation system, introduction|introducting| of common quality standards|standart| and others.

10. EU| Committee| of| American| Chambers| |of Commerce | - AMCHAM-EU – protects interests of American producers on the common internal|inlying| market of the EU, its activity is directed|ducted| on the decision of concrete problems of the European market functioning (for example|eg|, question of monotony of units of measures and scales), after which|what| lectures|report| prepare for EK.

Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-11-26; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 215 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!

studopedia.org - Ñòóäîïåäèÿ.Îðã - 2014-2024 ãîä. Ñòóäîïåäèÿ íå ÿâëÿåòñÿ àâòîðîì ìàòåðèàëîâ, êîòîðûå ðàçìåùåíû. Íî ïðåäîñòàâëÿåò âîçìîæíîñòü áåñïëàòíîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ (0.016 ñ)...