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Theme|object-matter| 6. Industrial policy|politics| of the EU

6.1. Necessity of common industrial policy realization |politics|

6.2. Legal bases and organizational elements of industrial policy|politics| of the EU

6.3. Basic|main| directions and measures|step| of industrial policy|politics| of the EU

6.4. The EU policy|politics| in different|diverse| industries|branch| of economy

6.1. Necessity of common industrial policy realization|politics|

Industrial and enterprise policy|politics| of the EU is one of the sectoral policies of the EU, which|what| is implemented on the basis of institutions|institution| of the EU and within the limits of its jurisdictions|conusance|, includes|switch| stimulation of industry and enterprise development in the context of the European economy competitiveness increasing|ri. In some|certain| cases|accident| the terms|term| «industrial policy|politics|» |and «enterprise| policy|» have different meaning. In wide sense industrial policy|politics| |politics| is the area|domain| of industrial sector development, its structural|structure|, organizational and technological modernization for providing|ADM| steady economic development. In narrow|narrow-width| sense industrial policy|politics| is a complex of interconnected directions and measures|step| of direct and indirect governing|adjustment|, which|what| provides|secure| stable development and industry competitiveness increasing |rise| and also solution of specific problems of certain industries|branch|. The industrial policy|politics| is closely related|ties| to development of enterprises.

The spirit of enterprise is the lifeblood of a modern market economy. Creating a positive climate in which entrepreneurs and businesses can flourish a key to generating the growth and jobs that Europe needs. What is more, in today’s global economy – where many businesses can choose where to operate and produce their goods – it is essential that the EU and its Member States devise rules and regulations that promote rather than hinder the enterprise culture.

The EU is committed through its treaties to create the best conditions for industrial competitiveness and to nurture the growth of businesses, especially SMEs. These objectives are more important than ever as Europe seeks to compete in a globalised economy, not only with established economic superpowers such as the USA and Japan, but also with emerging nations like India, China and Brazil.

Through the Lisbon Strategy, the Community aims to foster economic dynamism and help create more and better jobs. This objective was reiterated and strengthened in 2005, when the EU approved a new strategy for growth and jobs.

Enterprise policy will also play a central role in improving Europe’s economic standing by ensuring that businesses can compete openly and fairly. The aim is to make Europe an attractive place to invest and work in.

Current priorities for enterprise policy:

There are three types|typestyle| of the EU industrial policyby scope |politics|:

1) macroeconomic|macroeconomical|, directed|ducted| on creation|making| of favourable|auspicious| economic|economical| climate for functioning of industry (due to management macroeconomic|macroeconomical| categories and proportions of recreation|reproducing|);

2) sectoral, directed|ducted| on overcoming of market failure in certain industries|branch| of economy;

3) microeconomic|, directed|ducted| on activity |Co.|regulation of certain company or group of companies.

There are followings|downstream| types of the EU industrial policy|politics|by mechanism of action |act|:

· market-oriented|orientable| policy|politics| directed|ducted| on supporting of competition and market freedom|liberty|;

· interventional policy|politics|, which|what| is holding in forms|form| and due to methods of centralized planned economic|economical| systems;

· mixed policy|politics| which|what| assumes certain|definite| combination|petticoat| of market-oriented and interventional policies.

The industrial policy|politics| of the EU does not replace|changes|, but complements national industrial policies: it|her| is used only in those cases|accident|, when its influence is|appear| more effective, than at the level of national governing|adjustment|, and conforms to the actions|act| of national governments (general|common| co-ordination).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 235 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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