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Make the situations of your own. Work in pairs

I. Your partner and you are going to find some information you both interested in the Internet. "Yahoo" is your favorite searching system, "Yandex" is your partner's. Give the arguments and try to persuade him/her why "Yahoo" is better and why you should use it. Describe its sections and portals, advantages in comparison with the others. The following word-combinations can be used:

the English language; popularity; cool tips; up-to-date; effectiveness; high speed; brightness of design; helpful graphics; ease of use.

II. Working in the World Net you came across a very interesting and useful piece of information about spacecrafts engineering. You want to get your fellow-students interested in this problem and to involve them into the further research of it. Speak of its importance, underlining the most interesting points and items to encourage and stimulate them into the participation.

III. You are asked to conduct a seminar on the problems of science and technology (the consequences of some discoveries and projects for the future) in the modern world. Describe the way you are going to present new information and facts to your fellow-students. Accentuate their attention on the importance of the problem under consideration in the world I science and its/their significance for their personal needs.

IV. Give your pessimistic or optimistic forecast about the future. Use the scheme suggested and your own seeing of the problem and give the solid reasons for your friends to accept your point of view. Work in pairs or micro groups.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 393 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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