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The Advantages of using electronic files

The larger and more complex your collection of data is, the more likely it is that you should set up electronic files. Using electronic files, you can store data more efficiently in much less space. You can retrieve information in much less time with much less trouble.

To get a better idea of the advantages of using electronic files, let's compare what happens when you try to find a book using a familiar data base–a library card catalogue–and a computerized data base–a computerized catalogue. Consider the following situation.

You are interested in finding a book about the history of Australia. Assume that your library has a closed stack system for nonfiction books. You cannot just go up to the shelves and browse. To look at a book, you must fill out a request form, listing the title, author, and call number. A library clerk then brings the book to you. The library is often busy and you must wait your turn. Since you can request

only three books at a time, you must select your books carefully.

20. Answer the questions: Use the questions as a plant to talk about electronic


1. What is an electronic file? Can you give your own definition?

2. What is the function of an electronic file?

3. What are the advantages of electronic files?

4. Are there any disadvantages?

5. What are performance characteristics of electronic files?

6. What rind of work did you perform using electronic files?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 437 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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