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Read the following instruction for using DBMS. They are mixed. Put them

in order to reproduce (in written) them.

· Start out with notes form on a single index card.

· Set up a useful data base manually to organize information.

· Set up an organizational system and file the cards in a box.

· Transfer the contents of your cards and file cabinets onto disks.

· Use an index to your index cards in order to find information.

· Retrieve the data, organize it, update it and sort it for specific information.

· Pull the information out of your data base.

· Display it on the screen.

Reproduce the procedure of using Data-Base Management System from the point of view of your own experience. Some additional details should be


Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to

Participle II and its functions (attribute, predicate, adverb).

1. A data-base management system is a special program designer to enable you to manage data on a computer in a useful form.

2. Once data entered correctly into the data processing system the possibility of error is reduced.

3. Computers work according to the instructions given them by the users.

4. Electronic files used as data recording can serve us in our everyday work.

5. The programs written help users with different tasks.

6. When set up manually a useful data base is used to organize information.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-26; Прочитано: 342 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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