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Dialogue B. -What a nice dress you are wearing!

-What a nice dress you are wearing!

-It’s my dad’s present on March, 8th. He has brought it from Poland.

-Do the Polish celebrate the Women’s Day?

-I think they do. But it doesn’t matter. The fact is that the Ukrainians celebrate this holiday. And every year my father buys me presents. So I love this holiday dearly.

2.Work in pairs. Speak with your friend about the way you celebrated last New Year’s Day (Christmas etc.)


Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood in adverbial clauses of purpose, time, place. Topic: At the Map of Great Britain. Reading: Text A. The State System of Great Britain Text B. Agriculture of Great Britain Talking Points



1.Adverbial clauses of purpose.

When a clause of purpose is introduced by the conjunctions that, so that, in order that we find the analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary can/may if the principal clause refers to the present or future; could/might if the main clause refers to the past. Occasionally the mood auxiliary should is used.

e.g. She opens(will open) the window Вона відчиняє (відчинить)

that she may get a breath of вікно, щоб вдихнути свіжого

fresh air. повітря.

She opened the window that she Вона відчинила вікно, щоб

might get a breath of fresh air. вдихнути свіжого повітря.

If a clause of purpose is introduced by the conjunction lest we use the Present Suppositional or Subjunctive I in it. ‘Lest’ has a negative meaning (щоб не) and the verb in the subordinate clause is used in the affirmative form.

e.g. She closed the window lest she Вона закрила вікно, (should) catch a cold. щоб не застудитися.

2.Adverbial clauses of time and place

The Subjunctive Mood is used in adverbial clauses of time and place after the conjunctions whenever and wherever.

e.g. Whenever you may (might) come, Коли б ви не прийшли, you are welcome. ми завжди вам раді.

Wherever you may (might) look Куди б ви не глянули, you see the green fields. ви бачите зелені поля.

lest (should) V
that / so that / in order that may / can V might / could V should V
wherever / whenever may / might


1. Translate into Ukrainian.


1.You may be at the door tomorrow evening, rather earlier than is absolutely necessary, in order that we may be in good time. 2. Mr. Micawber impressed the names of streets upon me that I might find my way back easily. 3. He got up, cautiously, so that he might not wake the sleeping boy. 4. I made notes of all that she said, however, so that there should be no possibility of a mistake. 5. She opens the window lest it should be stuffy in the room. 6. She looked steadily at her coffee lest she also should begin to cry, as Ann was doing already.


1.Wherever she may live, she will always find friends. 2. Of course, I shall come for your marriage, whenever that may be fixed. 3.He always reads articles in biology wherever he may stay. 4.You will find him in the garden in summer whenever you may come to see him. 5.Wherever Miss Bartley may arrive she finds the wonders of the nature. 6.Wherever the students might stay they make a lot of noise and fun.

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