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Sumy was founded on the 25th of June, 1655. The founder of the town was the Ukrainian cossack Gerasim Kondratyev. When the Ukrainians struggled against the Polish landowners they had to leave their villages in the West and asked the Russian tsar to allow them to live and build the new villages on the left bank of the river Dnieper. At that very time Kondratyev headed 100 Ukrainian families. They came to the bank of the river Psel and built a settlement which they called “the Soumin town”.

Now Sumy is an administrative, economic, cultural and industrial center of the Sumy region. There are many places of interest here. In my town we have some museums: the museum of the local history, of fine arts, Chekhov’s museum and the museum of applied arts. In front of the museum of the local history there is a summer-house which was built without nails about 100 years ago by an unknown craftsman. It was the place where the musicians played music and ladies with gentlemen walked listening to it. In winter there was a skating-rink there. Now it is the landmark of our town and one of the most favourite meeting places of its inhabitants. To the left of the summer-house the museum of fine arts is situated. There are about 15000 exhibits there. You can admire the beauty of the paintings by Repin, Shyshkin, Levitan, etc. There were 12 churches in Sumy but now we have only 6. There are two theatres in our city: Shchepkin Drama and Musical Comedy Theatre and the Theatre for Young Spectators.

Sumy is a highly-developed industrial town. There are many enterprises in our town. They are: the machine building plant, the chemical plant, the pump plant, the tube plant, the steel plant, the porcelain factory, the microscope plant and some food enterprises.

Sumy is also an educational centre. It is the city of secondary comprehensive schools, grammar schools, colleges and vocational schools. There is also Musical College, Medical College, College training educators in culture. Sumy is also the city of higher education. There are 5 higher educational institutions in Sumy: Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy State University, Sumy State Pedagogical University, Military Institute of Artillery, the Academy of Banking.

I love my town very much and consider it to be the most beautiful town in the world.

3.Answer the questions:

1.When and by whom was Sumy founded?

2.On the bank of what river did the Ukrainians from the West build Sumy settlement?

3.How many museums are there in Sumy? What are they?

4.What is situated in front of the museum of the local history?

5.What attracts visitors in the museum of fine arts?

6.What industrial enterprises are there in Sumy?

7.What can be said about Sumy as an educational centre?

8.What do you like/dislike about Sumy? What would you change in it?

9.Do you have any favourite places in Sumy? What do you like about them?

4.Find English equivalents to the following words. Find sentences with these words in the text and translate them. Write your own sentences with these words.

боротися проти, землевласник, дозволити, просити, берег, очолити, поселення, фортеця, визначні місця, краєзнавчий музей, художній музей, альтанка, ремісник (майстер), цвях, каток, милуватися, експонат, високорозвинений, підприємство, фарфоровий завод, гімназія, професійно-технічне училище, музичне училище, медичне училище, освіта, вищий навчальний заклад.

5.Rearrange the following lines into the right order to read about the Ukrainian city of Sumy. Three sentences have been done for you.


_1_ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -13- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -26- The city of Sumy is situated on the banks of the River Psyol and fortress and 1780 grew into a town. Because it was on the trade in the 18th century, and after 1861, when serfdom was abolished greatly from various invaders. So the fortifications were Slobozhanschyna. The Slobodsky Cossack regiment which B.Hrynchenko and V. Korolenko, and the composer Petr crossroads, the population of this peaceful little town suffered dislocated there. Trade and industries started to flourish in Sumy are Transfiguration Cathedral built in 1776 and Resurrection famous Ukrainian philosopher and educationalist Hryhory in Russia, there was a growth of industrial development in Sumy Tchaikovsky visited the city on numerous occasions. There are enterprises in Sumy. Today the city is a big industrial centre outstanding people of Ukraine are connected with Sumy. The industries include sugar refining and other food processing, its tributaries Sumka and Strilka. It was founded in 1652 as a strengthened and in 1656-58, Sumy was the mightiest fortress in clothing and footwear production. The life and work of many which produces machinery for the chemical industry, electron Skovoroda visited Sumy several times, and the prominent poet region. Before the first World War there were about 40 industrial Taras Shevchenko lived in Sumy in 1859. The writers showed its courage in the battles with Turks in 1677-78 was microscopes, pumps and fertilizers and various chemicals. Light quite a number of sights in Sumy, the most remarkable of them Church in 1703.

6.Can you say that you like everything in the city/village you live in? What, in your opinion, could be done to make it look better?

7. Speak about your native town (village).


Text A. Kalynivka.

1.Read and translate the following text.

Kalynivka is a big and beautiful village. There is a cattle-farm, a pig-farm, a chicken-farm and a big garden in this village. There are many fruit trees in the garden.

In the centre of the village you can see a new club, a cinema, a school, a big hospital and many shops. The houses in the village are not high, but they are very nice. Near the houses you can see many trees and flowers. In the streets of the village there are buses and cars. There is a small river in this village too.

Kalynivka is a very nice village. I like living there, though it’s not easy to live in the country. My parents have to get up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows. Also they make most of our food - they make butter and cheese, we grow our own vegetables and my granny bakes our own bread. It’s great! Everything is fresh! The thing I like most about living in the village is the change of seasons. You can see them all come and go, and each one is completely different. In the city you can’t tell the difference. The air is clean in Kalynivka, because there is not much heavy traffic. You never have to queue in shops or banks. The village is clean - the people look after it and don’t throw their rubbish in the streets. People are friendly in Kalynivka, they help each other. One problem is that people gossip. Some of them are not worth knowing at all. Take, for example, my neighbour. She sits with her nose pressed to the window all day spying on everyone… If you say “Hello” to a girl in my village, it will get around to everyone in about 2 hours thanks to my neighbour, and the next day someone will come up and ask you when you are going to get married. But I still love my Kalynivka. I prefer village life to life in a big city.

2.Find English equivalents to:

клуб, свиноферма, птахоферма, велика рогата худоба, фруктові дерева, новий клуб, велика лікарня, магазини, будинки, квіти, автобуси, машини, маленька річка, красиве село, пекти хліб, доїти корову, інтенсивний вуличний рух, стояти у черзі, кидати сміття, розпускати плітки, сусід, не варто знати, шпигувати (шпигун), одружитись, надавати перевагу.

3.Tell what is good (bad) about living in Kalynivka.

4.Tell about the village you (your grandparents) live in.

5.Have you ever had any problems because of the gossip in the village? Tell your story to your group-mates.

Text B. The Brave Village.

1. Read and translate using the vocabulary.

George Viccars was a tailor in the Derbyshire village of Eyam. One day in September 1665 he received a parcel from London. The cloth in the parcel was damp, so George Viccars hung it in front of the fire. The next day Viccars was very ill and a few days later he died. There were large purple rings on his face and his body.

In London, thousands of people were dying from the plague. Now the terrible disease was outside the city, too. Nowhere was safe.

When they heard the news a few rich people left Eyam, but the other people stayed. ”Everybody must stay in the village,” said the local vicar William Mompesson. In the next 13 months nobody left Eyam and 262 of the 350 villagers died. But the disease did not spread to other places.

People from other villages brought food, clothes and medicine to places near Eyam. The people from Eyam collected the things and left money there. They left the money in small holes full of vinegar. One girl from Eyam, Emmott Sydall, had a sweetheart in the next village. When the plague started, they couldn’t meet each other. Every evening they came to a place between their villages and called to each other. Then one evening in spring 1666 Rowland waited and waited, but Emmott did not arrive. Rowland came back to the place every evening, but he never saw Emmott again. She, her father, brother and three sisters were dead.

The vicar of Eyam and his wife, Katherine, helped the villagers when their relatives died. One evening in August 1666, Mompesson and his wife were walking in the fields. Katherine said she could smell something sweet. This was the first sign of the plague. A few days later Katherine died. Mompesson, himself, lived for another 44 years.

2.Answer the questions.

1.What is the name of the village?

2.What happened there in 1665?

3.What did the villagers do?

4.How many people died?

3.Find three facts about each of these people.

1.George Viccars

2.William Mompesson

3.Emmot Sydall

4.Katherine Mompesson

4.Retell the text.


1. Read, learn and act.

-Oh, why are we moving to this place? I want to stay in Manchester. All my friends are there.

-You can make some new friends here, dear. Go and talk to those young people over there.

-Hi, I’m Jackie-Jackie Wright. My parents want to buy the house in your town. Is there much to do round here?

-It’s a great place. There’s a cinema in town. And there are two good cafes and a park round the corner. And there’s a really great leisure centre. I go there a lot.

-Are you doing anything at the moment?

-I’m going to the shop. Do you want to come? I can show you around.

2.Make up your own dialogues about your new place of living.


Grammar: Subjunctive II in Object Clauses Topic: Ukrainian Holidays Reading: Text A. Customs and Traditions in Ukraine Text B. Easter Talking Points


Subjunctive II in Object Clauses


Subjunctive II is used to represent an action as contrary to reality in object clauses when the predicate of the main clause is the verb to wish.

The Present Subjunctive II is used if the action of the subordinate clause is simultaneous with that of the main clause; the Past Subjunctive II is used if the action of the subordinate clause precedes that of the main clause.

The True Situation Expressing a Wish
1.I don’t havea computer. He cannot speak French. I have to takea bus to the University. It is cold today. I wish Ihada computer. He wishes he could speakFrench. I wish I didn’t have to take it. I wish it were notcold today.
Comments When a speaker expresses a wish about the present/future situation, he uses Ved(II)
The True Situation Expressing a Regret
2.I didn’t callmy friend last night. He watchedTV all evening. I wish I had calledmy friend. He wishes he hadn’t watchedTV all evening.
Comments When a speaker expresses a wish or regret about a past situation, the form had Ved (III) is used.


1.Read what the true situation is and complete the sentences expressing a wish.

M O D E L: My younger brother doesn’t have a bicycle. – He wishes he had a bicycle.

1.I don’t have a camera. 2.Ann’s younger sister doesn’t know English. 3.My friend doesn’t have a good library. 4.We don’t have much time. 5.I can’t go to the movie tonight. 6.I’m not a good cook. 7.He always makes mistakes. 8.He often misses classes. I wish … She wishes … He wishes … We wish … I wish … I wish … He wishes … He wishes …

2.Read what the true situation is and express a wish or regret.

1.We didn’t go camping with our group-mates.

2.They didn’t visit the picture gallery when they were in the city.

3.He didn’t help his younger brother with his math.

4.She did not wash the dishes just after breakfast.

5.He didn’t catch much fish.

6.They didn’t take pictures when they visited the ancient place.

3.Paraphrase the following sentences.

M O D E L: It’s a pity she is so indifferent to music. - I wish she were not so indifferent to music..

Unfortunately, I did not see him there. - I wish I had seen him there.

1.It’s a pity he is not at school now. 2.It’s a pity you are so absent-minded. 3.I am sorry I haven’t read that article. 4.It’s a pity she went there yesterday. 5. What a pity you are leaving our school.6. It’s a pity she is so shy. 6. I am sorry I said this in his presence.7. Unfortunately, the night was very dark.

4.Act out the following dialogues expressing a wish (or regret).

M O D E L: Did you go to the party last nigt? – Yes, I did, but I wish I hadn’t. It was boring.

1.Did you go to the movie last night? (Yes, … but I wish…)

2.Is it hard to learn a foreign language? (Yes …)

3.Did you travel by bus? (Yes …)

4.Can you play a musical instrument? (No …)

5.Is there an art museum in your district? (No …)

5.Open the brackets.

1.I wish I(to know) Spanish. 2.I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I could not sleep half the night. 3.I wish you (to read) more in the future. 4.I wish I never (to suggest) this idea. 5.I wish I (to be) at yesterday’s party: it must have been very merry. 6.I wish we (to meet) again next summer. 7.Don’t you wish you (to see) that performance before? 8.I love sunny weather. I wish it (to be) warm and fine all the year round. 9.I wish I (not to lend) Nick my watch: he has broken it. 10.I wish you (to go) skiing with me yesterday: I had such a good time!

6.Complete the conversations with a sentence using ‘ wish ’.

M O D E L: -My mother’s really angry with me.


-Because she found out I had left my job.

-Oh, yes. I told her that.

-Well, I wish you hadn’t told her. It’s none of your business.

-I’m sorry.


-Have you seen James’s new jacket? I bet it was expensive.

-He told me it cost $500.

-I ____________________

-Well, you may not be rich, but you’re much better looking than James.

-Am I?


-You seem to enjoy dancing with Lionel.

-Yes, I do. He’s a very good dancer.

-I _________________ when I was young.

-You could learn now.

-Oh, I’d feel stupid in a dancing class at my age.


-I went to Norway last month.

-Really? My brother’s living in Oslo now.

-I ________________ I could’ve visited him.

-Yes, it’s a pity. You must tell me if you have to go there again.


-My parents moved to New York last month.

-How do they like it?

-My mother likes it, but my father misses their old home. He ________.

-Perhaps he’ll get used to it.

-I doubt it.


-My brothers are digging a swimming-pool.

-That sounds like hard work!

-It is. Actually, I suspect they wish __________. But they can’t stop now. There’s great big hole in the middle of the garden.

-Yes, I see what you mean.

7.Translate into English.

1.Шкода, що ви прийшли так пізно. 2.Якби я зараз був вільним! 3.Шкода, що у мене вчора було так мало часу. 4.Він шкодував, що залишив інститут. 5.Добре було б, якби ви написали їй самі. 6.От якби ви сказали їй про це минулої неділі. 7.Добре було б, якби у нас зараз були канікули. 8.Шкода, що ви не побували на виставці. 9.Шкода, що ви не звернули увагу на його попередження. 10.Шкода, що вже пізно іти туди. 11.Шкода, що ви не бачили нову породу корів. 12.Шкода, що ви не вмієте їздити на тракторі. 13.Шкода, що ви ввімкнули телевізор так пізно. 14.Шкода, що я дізнався про це так пізно.


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