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Was used-was made-were invented-are used-be shaped-has been revolutionized-were created

1 In 1869 the first plastic…………………………..from plant cellulose.

2. In the 20th century new types of plastic………..……………… from chemicals found in coal.

3. Nylon…………………………………to make stockings.

4. Polyesters…………………………………………….in the 1940s.

5. Plastics that……………………………………...nowadays include nailpolish and plastic bags.

6. Life at home and at work ………………………………… by plastics.

Ex. 17. Decide on the correct verb form. Choose from the verbs in italics and underline the correct form


Twenty-five years ago the United Nations explained to the world that our earth was in danger. From more than a thousand different types of plants, trees and flowers, only about five hundred still existed. The others destroyed/are destroyed/had been destroyed by modern man and his technology. The UN hoped that some extreme measures is taken/took/would be taken in order to protect nature.

But the earth, the air, the water and everything that grows and lives is changed/are being changed/ had changed constantly. We cannot continue like this or we will destroy ourselves. We need action before it’s too late. Most people know that something should do/is done/be done now. Today at school and at home young people were encouraged/are encouraged/encouraged to look after the world. In some countries kids spend their spare time with projects on nature. Some plant trees and others clean riverbanks and forests.

Markets, school festivals or bike ralleyswas organized/are organized/have been organized to raise money for the protection of nature. A lot of things can do/was done/be done. So let’s start today!

Ex. 18. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Future Simple


1. In 1957 the world’s first satellite, Russia’s “Sputnik 1”, was launched (launch). Since then all sorts of TV and military satellites............................................... *......................... (construct).

2. Perhaps a manned spaceship............................................ (send) to Mars in the next few years.

3. Astronauts.......................................... (send) to all the planets.

4. In 1927 the Atlantic.......................................... (cross) by Lindbergh alone in his plane the

“Spirit of St.Louis”.

5. A cure for AIDS....................................... (not find) yet, but many illnesses..............................

....................... (make curable) in the last 100 years. It’s certain that a cure for AIDS

.................................... (discover) one day.

6. PCs.......................................... (develop) in the last century. Since then they.........................

.............................. (improve) steadily.

7. The first atomic bomb....................................... (drop) on Hiroshima in August 1945. Thousands

of people who.......................................... (not kill) immediately in the explosion died instead

from the fallout weeks later. Let’s hope that in the future radioactivity.....................................

(not use) against people any more

8.Computer systems.............................................. (change) completely by the microchip since it

................................................ (put) on the market in 1969.

Ex. 19. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple Active or Passive.

1. The assembly line....................................... (invent) by Henry Ford, whose factories.................

............................ (produce) 15 million “Model T” cars.

2. The car that Carl Benz................................... (design) in 1885..................................... (have) a petrol engine. His car (not show) to the public however, until a year later.

3. The telephone................................................ (not design) by Edison but by Bell, Edison

......................................... (invent) such famous thing as the first light bulb. In fact, several

important inventions................................................ (develop) by Edison.

Ex. 20. Choose the best way to complete each sentence: Active or Passive.

1. He lives in a small house (built 40 years ago)............................................................................

2. English is worth learning (speak/in a lot of countries)...............................................................

3. She bought a new washing machine, but it did not work properly. So (return back to the shop)

4. This new film is very good (show/now at our cinema)..............................................................

5. The students have finished their winter term (just/pass the last examination)..........................

6. The director has sighed the letters (send off tomorrow/secretary)............................................

7. There is much grass in the garden (should/cut every week)......................................................

8. A lot of coal was burned in the houses (should/houses/convert to central heating).

9. In big cities the houses are dirty by air pollution (they/should/clean).......................................

Ex. 21. Open the brackets, using the correct verb form in the Active or Passive Voice.

1) The Earth.................................. (surround - окружать) by the atmosphere. 2) The present

climate zones................................... (form) under definite temperature conditions. 3) The heat

from the Earth..................................... (keep) by the pollutant gases that accumulate in the

atmosphere. So, the Earth gets hotter. 4) When the Earth’s temperature.........................................

(rise), the weather.................................... (change) everywhere. 5) If The North and the South

Poles.................................. (melt), the sea level.................................... (rise). 6) The information

about the products we eat.................................... (demand - требовать) by the Green Consumer

(потребитель). 7) People want to know how their food.................................. (make), where and

by whom. 8) In our modern society, where anything can.................................... (advertise - рек­ламировать) and............................................................................................................................... (sell), not all the products are healthy. 9) We.......................................................................................................

...... (tell) by the experts that the water from many rivers should......................................................

(not use) for drinking. 10) But it is not just industry which is......................................... (blame -

обвинять) for the pollution of our rivers and lakes. 11) Farmers also................................. (add) to

the problem by using too many chemicals on their fields.

Ex. 22. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Эта старая церковь была построена в 14 веке, но она больше (anylonger) не используется как церковь. Ее недавно купил городской совет (theCityCounsil), и в следующем году она будет превращена (turninto) в молодежный центр.

2. Эти коттеджи были построены до войны. Их только что отремонтировали. Сейчас в них живут пожилые люди.

3. Мы сейчас смотрим на кольцевую дорогу. Она была закончена в прошлом году, но планы построить эту дорогу были разработаны (make) более 10 лет назад. Она соединяется (join) с центром города туннелями.

4. На следующей неделе победителей конкурса (the winnersof the competition) повезут в Лондон. Их будут встречать (welcome) знаменитые звезды кино.

5. Французский и немецкий языки преподают в наших школах, но немецкий изучают большее количество школьников. Он чаще используется в работе иностранных фирм.

6. Воду и соки можно купить в киоске. Сигареты там не продаются.

7. Много прекрасных песен написано Элтоном Джоном. Их поют во всем мире.

8. Скоро Рождество. В школе сейчас готовится (arrange) рождественский концерт.

9. В Канаде говорят по-английски и по-французски.

10. Эту газету читают более пяти миллионов людей каждый день. Она печатается (publish) не только в России, но и за рубежом (abroad).

Наиболее распространенные глаголы с предлогами:

hearof - слышать о

laughat - смеяться над

makefunof - насмехаться над

lookafter - ухаживать за lookat - смотреть на relyon - полагаться на

sendfor - посылать за speakof/about - говорить о talkabout - говорить о thinkof - думать о

payattentionto - обращать внимание на takecareof - заботиться о

В русском языке не все глаголы сохраняют предлог:

tolistento - слушать что-либо tolookfor - искать что-либо

tooperateon - оперировать кого-либо

toprovidetor - обеспечить кого-либо чем-либо

toexplainto - объяснять кому-либо

He was operated on last night. – Его оперировали прошлой ночью.

oftofor on after at

Ex. 23. Fill in the right preposition.

1. Now he is a respectable man, but when he was a boy he was always laughted...................

2. We have a small zoo at school. All the animals are looked............. by the schoolchildren.

3. He can’t keep his word, he can’t be relied..............

4. There was an accident in the gymhall, so the doctor was sent.................. It was much spoken

.......... afterwards.

5. Listen attentively, please. These rules should be paid great attention................

6. The roses in the garden were taken great care..................

7. After Peter’d played a girl’s role in the school play he was often made fun...............

8. People watched an unusual phenomenon in Siberia. It had never been heard.............. before.

9. She had a stage dress on, she was looked.............. with great interest.

Ex. 24. Translate the underlined words in the sentences.

1. Лекцию слушали с большим вниманием............................................................................

2. Пропала собака. Ее сейчас ищут повсюду..........................................................................

3. Ночью его увезли в больницу и будут срочно оперировать.............................................

4. Им были объяснены все правила, перед тем как они писали тест...................................

5. Не волнуйтесь, о нем позаботятся........................................................................................

6. Об этом Фильме много говорят............................................................................................

7. Мне показали, как это было сделано...................................................................................

8. Детям купили мороженое......................................................................................................

9. Е му предложили интересную работу..................................................................................

10. Меня много раз спрашивали об этом...................................................................................

11. Его не приглашают на вечеринки........................................................................................

12. Ей не разрешили пойти в кино............................................................................................

Ex.25. Translate the pairs of sentences.

1. Мы пригласили английских школьников в Москву, затем нас пригласили в Англию.

2. Она послала им сообщение (message), на следующий день ей прислали ответ.

3. Он смотрел на туземцев (thenatives) с удивлением, на него тоже смотрели с любопыт-ством.

4. Мы встречаем наших гостей в аэропорту, нас тоже встречают, когда мы приезжаем.

5. Мы никого не видели на улице, а нас видели.

6. Мы катались на машине (havedrive), сначала я вез моего друга, а затем меня везли (drive).

7. Когда у нас были гости, мы показывали им наш город. Когда мы поедем к ним, нам тоже покажут их город.

8. Он запер (lock) дверь. Его заперли в лаборатории, когда он работал там поздно ночью.

9.Мы часто задаем вопросы. Когда мы были в Англии, нам задавали много вопросов.

Ex. 26.Can you divide these nouns into two columns?


a box, _______________________ luggage,____________________


Book, dust, flour, flower, cup, happiness, mountain, love, knowledge, milk, piano, rain, river, me

oil, show, song, wool, wall, nature, music, trip, information, work, job, sand, table, trouble, problem, anger, travel, word, furniture, health, atmosphere, lamp, oxygen, light, food, soup, pen, noise, chair, car.

Ex. 27. Cross out the incorrect noun.

1. To press clothes you need iron/an iron.

2. Language/A languageis unique to humans.

3. In her youth she was beauty/a beauty.

4. We are looking for people with experience/an experience.

5. He kept his money in a tin/tin under the bed.

6. She’s been looking for work/a work for 3 months.

7. You should study law/a law at university.

8. Then everybody called for him to make speech/a speech.

9. Play/A playis more natural for children than adults.

10. There is an egg/egg on your cheek.

11. 1 don’t eat a chicken/chicken, I’d rather have fish/a fish.

12. A paper/Paper is made of wood.

13. “Waiter, a coffee/coffee and two cakes, please.”

14. My mother never drinks a wine/wine.

15. We had cake/a cake for supper.

Ex. 28. Complete the sentences. Use the right article (-), a/an, the orplural forms.

1. Could you pass me the glass? (glass)

2. This table is made of…………………. (glass)

3. I need a piece of………………………. (wood)

4. The house was near …………………….(wood)

5. She looked at him with …………………. (pity)

6. It’s ……………………………..Ann isn’t here, (pity)

7…………………………………. goes quickly, (time)

8. She phoned six……………………….. yesterday, (time)

9. Three ……………………………………please, (beer)

5. …………………………………………….makes you fat. (beer)

10. She hasn’t got much...................... (experience)

11. It was................... I won’t forget, (experience)

12. There is..................... in the garden, (chicken)

Do you want or beef? (chicken)

1. The pollution of Germany’s rivers is killing the fish.

2. More and more people are beginning to realize the importance of............. sport.

3 …hunger and......... poverty (бедность) in some regions of the world are hard to


4 …chemistry one learns at school is not enough to understand............................ pollution of the

atmosphere properly.

1. I hate.......... noise and............ smoke, so I rarely go to cafes.

2. If you want......... peace, you must not prepare for.............. war.

5 death of Martin Luther King was a tragedy for the world.

8. Buddhists see both.......... birth and............ death as parts of............. life.

9. David usually eats toast and marmalade for........... breakfast.

10. Sometimes........... people work too hard.

11. The department of Environment controls.......... air and water pollution.

12. …smoke was pouring from factory chimneys (трубы).

13............ tea is grown on south-facing hills.

14............ food was enjoyed by everyone.

Ex. 30. Fill in the right article.

1......... money can buy many things, but there are a lot of things it can’t guarantee. 2....................

money alone can’t guarantee 3.......... health, nor can it guarantee 4............ future of 5.......... giant

panda, 6.......... fish in the sea or 7............. quality of drinking water. Many things must change, to

ensure that 8.......... life remains worth living. We should stop believing that what we can take from

9......... planet is limitless. We must act decisively, and act now. We mustn’t put 10.......... rubbish

into our rivers, our factories mustn’t release 11.......... smoke into 12........... atmosphere. We must

burn less 13.......... coal and oil for heating our homes. 14............ knowledge of 15......... signs of

16......... catastrophe is very important.

There is no end to 17........... things we can do. And of course, they should be done at once.

Ex. 31. Translate the words in brackets. Use the right article.

1. After lunch (после ланча) the President gave a press conference.

2__________________________(промышленность) is polluting_________________________


3.____________________________(загрязнениеокружающейсреды) is worse in Sweden thar

in England.

4. I like_______________________(попмузыка), but__________________(шум) that Rod Coo

produces hurts my ears.

5 __________________________ (хлеб) used to be cheap in Germany.____________________

6. For years Ireland struggled for……………………………………….. (независимость).

7. (религия) has always had a lot of influence on…………………………….


8. Many parents protests against ………………………………….. (насилие) which is shown on

every evening.

9. …………………………………..…………... (бензин) becomes more expensive every year.

10. Drugs are a danger to ………………………………………..... (общество).

Ex. 32. Underline the right word.

1. Have you got (some/any) time free on Wednesday afternoon?

2. Can you ride a bike without (some/any) help?

3. I’d like (some/any) information, please?

4. Can I have (some/any) potato, please?

5. I need (some/any) new clothing.

6. Can I get you (some/any) coffee? I’ve just made (some/any).

7. I haven’t done (some/any) revision for the exam - I know I’ll fail.

8. If there is (some/any) soup left, could you put it in the fridge, please?

9. I can’t find (some/any) butter, but we’ve got (some/any) margarine.

10. Shall we listen to (some/any) music?

Ex. 33. Put some, any, or no article (-).

1. This car doesn’t use petrol, it’s battery-powered.

2. In Belgium they make stew (жаркое) with................ beef and.................... beer.

3. Could you lend me................. money?

4. Is.................. money something you worry about?

5. Do you like................. mushrooms?

3. Are there mushrooms left?

4. We need more milk.

3. Cheese is made from milk.

Ex. 34. Put in some, any, a, the, a lot of or (-).

1. The tree was struck by................... lightning.

2. Is there................... toast, please?

3. There is................... slice of toast left.

4. What’s weather like today?

5. I’m tired. I’ve just done................. shopping.

6 I’ve done........................... housework.

7. Can you give me........................ description of the gallery?

8. Would you like........................ spaghetti?

9. There was........................ traffic this morning.

10. John has gone to bed with................... flu (грипп).

11. Have you made.................. progress with Chinese?

12. I’ve got................. permission to park here.

13. Our teacher has given us................... homework.

14. There is.................. rubbish in our garden.


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