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Ex. 13. Here are some pairs of similar sentences. Each sentence contains one good reason for the choice of tense

(go) Where’s John? - He _____ to school.

(go) Where’s Jenny? - She _____ to school five minutes ago.

(live) I _____ here all my life.

(live) Goethe ______ there for many years.

(do) _____ you your English homework last night?

(do) _____ you your English homework?

(drive) We ______ not to Brighton at the weekend.

(drive) We ______ not to Brighton since last year.

(learn) My sister ______ to drive a car last year.

(learn)I ______ not to drive a car yet.

(write) Shakespeare ______ a lot of plays.

(write) The young author _______ three plays already.

(buy) “Look! Our neighbours _____ a new car!”

(buy) “Oh! Our neighbours _______ two new bicycles on Monday. They haven’t

got a car.”

(fly) “_____ Julie ever ______ to America?” - “Not yet.”

(fly) “When ______ she _____ to Australia?” - “In 1994.”

(see) “______ you Patrick this morning?” (at 11.55)

(see) “______ you Patrick this morning?” (at 14.05)

Ex. 14. Fill in the appropriate time word from the box. Some of the words can be used more than once. ( since last Saturday, yet, for days, yesterday, last week, never, for 30 years, last night)

Joe: “Did you see Andy Wilson at the pub _____?”

Martin: “No, I haven’t seen him ______ Was he at the pub _____?”

Joe: “He hasn’t been at the pub ______ He’s been away all week.”

Martin: “What did you want to see him about ______?”

Joe: “Someone stole three or four sheep from Farmer Hunt’s field one night ______.

Martin: “What makes you think that Andy stole them?”

Joe: “Well, he’s the only person in the village who has suddenly disappeared.”

Martin: “But I’ve known Andy ______! He’s ______ stolen anything!"

Joe: “Well, we found two of the sheep in his barn _____ ”

Martin: “That doesn’t mean he stole them! Have you phoned his sister in London _____?”

Joe: “I didn’t know he had a sister in London.”

Martin: “Maybe he’s gone to visit her. He was always talking about going to London. I’ll ring her tonight.”

Дата публикования: 2014-11-19; Прочитано: 1809 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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