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Music Theory Quiz

Are you good at music theory? Not sure? Let’s see.

1. What does the letter “C” stand for in musical notation?

a) doh

b) me

c) sol

2. What country did modern classical guitars originate from?

a) North America

b) Italy

c) Spain

3. What century did the upright piano develop in?

a) 18th

b) 19th

c) 20th

4. What is ‘soul’?

a) a kind of xylophone

b) Mexican jazz

c) a kind of Negro music

5. Which of these instruments is a stringed one?

a) piano

b) clarinet

c) oboe

6. Which of these instruments is a brass one?

a) saxophone

b) xylophone

c) trombone

7. What does the accidental sharp (#) show in musical notation?

a) a semitone lower

b) a semitone higher

c) a tone lower

8. What is syncopation?

a) performance in a smooth flowing manner

b) displacing the beats or accents in (a passage) so that strong beats become weak and vice versa

c) delivery or presentation with each sound or note sharply detached or separated from the others

9. What do they call melancholic music of black American origin, often in a twelve-bar sequence?

a) ragtime

b) blues

c) country

10. Which of these jazz musicians was the winner of thirteen Grammy Awards?

a) Ella Fitzgerald

b) “Duke” Ellington

c) Louis Armstrong

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 218 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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