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Architect Extraordinary

Architecture P e riods Quiz

There are many architects, but few true architect geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is an architectural genius? A genius is someone who has an extraordinary knack for architectural designs.

Do you think you could make it as an architect? Well, it's going to be tough. So, take this quiz and figure out if you've got what it takes.

1. What was the time period of the Neoclassicism?

a) 1890-1914

b) 1760-1830

c) 1500-1600

d) 1400-1700

2. What was Neo-classicism?

a) quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture.

b) high-tech architectural improvements

c) the dark, sinister outlooks on buildings, dark, in the medieval times

3. When was the gothic period?

a) WW1

b) WW2

c) 20th century

d) during the high and late medieval period

4. What were some features of the gothic period?

a) rib vaults

b) flying buttress

c) pointed arches

d) all of the above

5. What century did modernism appear in?

a) 20th

b) 18th

c) 14th

d) 16th

6. What is Modernism?

a) going back to original designs, rather than improving and updating

b) quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture.

c) a tendency rooted in the idea that the "traditional" forms of art, architecture had become outdated; therefore it was essential to sweep them aside, bringing new ideas to the surface

d) the dark, sinister outlooks on buildings, dark, in the medieval times

7. What are some high-tech materials?

a) steel

b) glass

c) brick

d) both 1 and 2

8. What was architecture first evolved for?

a) shelter

b) security

c) worship

d) all of the above

9. When was the Renaissance period?

a) 20th century

b) 14th-17th century

c) 20th century

d) 12th-11th century

10. What did the Renaissance period contain?

a) going back to original designs, rather than improving and updating

b) quite distinct movements in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture.

c) encompassed the revival of learning based on classical sources, the rise of courtly and papal patronage, the development of perspective in painting, and advancements in science high-tech architectural improvements

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