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Establishing a career review process

Axtrin: The case for establishing a career review process.

The organization was growing rapidly. Axtrin found itself having to look outside the company to recruit new sales and marketing teams, rather than being able to find the necessary talent internally. For the longer term, it was essential that people in the organization were aware of the emerging career possibilities at Axtrin. As an innovation-focused company, Axtrin's success depends on the creativity, performance, and achievements of its staff at all levels. They have to anticipate and respond quickly to a fast-moving commercial environment.

The company already had performance review procedures in place, helping individuals to develop in their role. A longer-term view, enabling staff to plan their careers and to be aware of the real possibilities in the company, was also needed. Without a formal career review process in place, there was a danger that talented people, painstakingly and expensively recruited, would leave. The costs to individuals and to the company were potentially enormous, and avoidable. Axtrin became a client of tpmg, the performance management consultancy, with expertise in HR-related services and software.

tpmg:The Performance Management Group

At tpmg we fully understand the high-value areas of HR systems in terms of building and enhancing the capability of people, and we can help you to find ways of managing the performance and development of your people. We provide leading companies with an innovative blend of HR-related services and software. We are the market leader in customer-focused web tools designed specifically to support top performance, and we focus on quality conversations between an individual and their colleagues, an individual and their line manager, or individuals collectively and their organization.

The software we have developed enables us to work with you on:

• collecting 360-degree feedback via electronic questionnaires from managers, peers, and even external contacts and customers

•conducting employee surveys using an email-supported web tool for flexible, fast, powerful, and cost-effective results

• developing effective career review and performance management processes.

Our customers are in many sectors, such as financial and professional services, media, publishing, retailing, Pharmaceuticals, transport, universities, and government. We are particularly proud of the fact that our relationships with these leading organizations are usually long-term.

Oxford University Press, 2010


Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1153 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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