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What Are Advertising's Drawbacks?

It takes planning. Advertising works best and costs least when planned and prepared in advance. For example, you'll pay less per ad in newspapers and magazines by agreeing to run several ads over time rather than deciding issue by issue. Likewise, you can save money by preparing a number of ads at once.

It takes time and persistence. The effectiveness of your advertising improves gradually over time, because customers don't see every one of your ads.

You must repeatedly remind prospects and customers about the benefits of doing business with you. The long-term effort triggers recognition and helps special offers or direct marketing pay off.

Advertising costs money. Advertising is only one tool in your sales and marketing arsenal and its cost-effectiveness has to be compared to other business building tactics. Is it better to hire a new sales rep or place an advertisement in the local newspaper? You should always consider your ROI and your opportunity costs before you start an advertising campaign.

by Lyve Alexis Pleshette, PowerHomebiz.com


Determine [dɪ'tɜ:mɪn] - vb.определять; устанавливать

Distinctive [dɪ'stɪŋktɪv] -adj. отличительный, характерный

identity [ai'dεntəti] - adj. подлинность

gradually ['grædiυəli] - adv. постепенно

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 572 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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