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Add infinitives to complete for-phrases in the sentences below. 1. It's getting cold. It's bad for the children

1. It's getting cold. It's bad for the children.... 2. Have you brought something for me... on the train? 3. There's simply nobody there for a young girl.... 4. I can't find a place for us.... 5. Those are not the right people for you.... 6. I have bought a few things for Tony....

Replace the following pairs of sentences by sentences with adverbial for phrases of result

Model: The street is very narrow. He won't be able to turn the car.

The street is too narrow for him to turn the car.

1. The way to the village was long. I felt hungry again. 2. The heat was oppressive. We did not stay long on the beach. 3. The problem was comparatively easy. I solved it in half an hour. 4. The situation was getting complicated. We could no longer cope with it. 5. The conversation was interesting. The children did not want to go to bed. 6. The noise of the traffic grew loud. I could not sleep. 7. The light was good. She could read the inscription.

Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1. Машина шла слишком быстро, чтобы я мог рассмотреть лицо водителя. 2. Она говорила так медленно, что мы понимали каждое слово. 3. Я был слишком расстроен, чтобы мама этого не заметила. 4. Он говорил по-английски достаточно хорошо, и мы поняли, что ему надо. 5. В пещере было так темно, что мы не смогли найти выход.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1196 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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