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Put the facts in the correct order which shows how sea floor spreading develops

1. Fresh cracks appear.

2. Mantle upwells.

3. It partly melts.

4. Molten rock plugs gaps.

5. Tension pulls old crust apart.

6. New crustal blocks subside.

7. Mantle pushes up the oceanic crust.

8. Molten rock rises through cracks.

9. Bulging plate splits.

10. The process is repeated.

11. A central block subsides.


You will hear part of a radio report about the oceanic crust. For statements 1-12, complete the notes, which summarize what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or short phrase in each sentence. You will hear the recording twice.

1. The oceanic crust is different from_______________________.

2. Besides aluminum and calcium, ocean crust has a high content of_______________.

3. The combination is called ____________________.

4. The ocean crust has _____________________.

5. The first layer consists of __________________________.

6. They may be _______________________, which lie up on ________________.

7. The next layer is mainly _____________________, which is found at ___________________________.

8. The third layer is made up of _____________________.

9. While the last layer is ________________________.

10. It is made up of peridotite, chiefly __________________.

6. DISCUSSION (R.P – 8.1.5)

We’ll discuss the subject: «Plate tectonics in action». Pay attention to the words and expressions and pronunciation of some of the geographical names. Read the text, which will give you some necessary information. Use the earlier communicative formulas (Unit 7). Pay special attention to the questions, which will help you to underline what facts are more important.

Use the diagrams – «Plate tectonics in action», «Tectonic plates». (R.P. 8.2.10,8.2.11)

Geographical Names

Eurasian Plate Indo-Australian Plate Nazca Plate
African Plate Pacific Plate South American Plate
Antarctic Plate North American Plate  
restless непрекращающийся, неугомонный
jigsaw puzzle картинка-головоломка, мозаика
abutting примыкающий, прилегающий
diverging расходящийся
colliding сталкивающийся
slab кусок, плита, блок
tectonic plate тектоническая плита
coupled to связанный / соединенный с
rigid устойчивый, твердый
to ride upon передвигаться / скользить по (поверхности)
convection current конвективный поток
to shift перемещать, сдвигать
margin -constructive -destructive -conservative -passive -active граница -конструктивная -деструктивная -консервативная -пассивная -активная
lithosphere литосфера
zone -collision -subduction зона -столкновения -субдукции
spreading ridge спрединговый хребет
to dive down погружаться, нырять
to slide past скользить мимо
to spark off вызывать, порождать
boundary граница, поверхность раздела
permutation изменение
interlock смыкаться


Our planet’s solid surface is a restless jigsaw of abutting, diverging and colliding slabs called plates (lithospheric plates). How plates behave forms the subject known as plate tectonics.

Each plate involves a slab of oceanic crust, continental crust, or both, coupled to a slab of rigid upper mantle. Collectively these plates make up the lithosphere. This rides upon the asthenosphere, a dense, plastic layer of the mantle. Heat rising through this layer from the Earth’s core and lower mantle seemingly produces convection currents that shift the plates above.

Plate activities produce three main kinds of plate margins.

· Constructive (divergent) margins are oceanic spreading ridges where new lithosphere is formed between two separating oceanic plates.

· Destructive (convergent) margins are oceanic trenches where an oceanic plate dives down below a (less dense) continental plate.

· Conservative (transform) margins are where two plates slide past each other and lithosphere is neither made nor lost.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 437 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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