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Listening comprehension. You will hear a short lecture about rock formation

You will hear a short lecture about rock formation. At the end you will be asked several questions. Each question will be spoken only once. For this reason, you must listen very carefully to understand what the speaker says. After you hear a question, read the three selections and choose the one that is the best answer to the question the speaker asked. Before you listen to the lecture, you have 45 seconds to look at the questions. (PAUSE 45 seconds)

1. Where do coals get carbon?

A. swamp flora

B. forest vegetation

C. mountain vegetation

2. What happens when plants die in wet acid conditions?

A. rot completely

B. turn into peat

C. become limestone

3. How is soft brown coal called?

A. bituminous coal

B. lignite

C. anthracite

4. Why do seawater animals need calcium carbonate?

A. to form shells

B. to make up limestones

C. to protect shells

5. How is a cemented mass of shelly debris called?

A. chalk

B. sandstone

C. coquina

4.2 You will hear a lecture. You will hear it twice. For questions 6-10 choose the best answer A, B or C.

6. Oolites are tiny balls A. extracted from calcium carbonate B. contains calcium carbonate C. formed from calcium carbonate
7. Dolomite limestone is mainly formed of A. dolomite B. limestone C. both equally
8. Chemical deposits accumulate in desert lakes and A. seashore salt lakes B. seashore areas C. undersaturated sea waters
9. Three main minerals settle in the following sequence A.calcium carbonate, gypsum, sodium chloride B. gypsum, sodium chloride, calcium carbonate C.sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, gypsum
10. Another term for halite is A. rock gypsum B. chalk rock C. rock salt

You will hear short conversations between two people. At the end of each conversation, a third person will ask a question about what the two people said. Each conversation and each question will be spoken only one time. For this reason, you must listen very carefully to understand what each speaker says. After you hear the conversation and the question, read the three selections and choose the one that is the best answer to what the speaker asked.

1. Listen to these two people. They are:

A. two students

B. a parent and a child

C. a teacher and a student

2. Listen to two students. They are discussing:

A. formation of sedimentary rocks

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 722 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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