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Read the following text and fill in the missing words

The volume of ____________ _________ (1) is about 10%. However, sedimentary units have an economic importance and include mineral ores such as coal, _______ (2), and natural gas. Sedimentary rocks are the ____________ (3) of detritus or ________ (4) sediments. The formation of sedimentary rocks includes the following processes: _______ (5), transportation, _________ (6) and lithification. Lithification is a combination of ______ (7) and ________ (8). The nature of sediment depends on several factors: ________ (9), attendant weathering, __________________ (10) and ____________ (11) of transportation. Rapid accumulation of ill-sorted clastics results in _________ (12) sands, while slow build-up of fine-grained matter produces ______ (13) sediments. There are two basic types of sediments: ______ (14) and ____________ (15). ____________ (16) is the reaction among original chemically dissimilar fragments that produces new minerals.

Terrestrial fine-bedded sedimentary rocks coarse marine deposition source weathering diagenesis compaction length petroleum mode chemical cementation accumulation

3.3.9. Complete the following sentences.

1. Sediments are described according to……………………………………...

2. Clastic sediments are based on …………………………………………….

3. There are four main grain-size groups……………………………………...

4. Limestones are produced…………………………………………………...

5. Sedimentary differentiation is …………………………………………......

6. Materials transported as clastic grains………………………………….......

7. The average bulk composition………………………………………….......

3.3.10 Fill in the chart and make a short report on the topic-Sedimentary rocks as the bulk composition of the Earth’s crust.

Definition Formation Factors Nature of sediments Types Classification Examples

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1003 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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