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Fig. 7 . Differentiation of early Earth


2.1 Read the following word combinations and give the Russian equivalents.

accumulating mini-planets sluggish currents

immense internal heat mantle rock

outer film dense molten rock

primeval atmosphere solid ball

major layers unsorted particles

invisible film relatively dense mantle

from the base semi-molten

2.2 Match the Russian equivalents to the English terms.

1. охлаждать a. crust

2. оболочка b. molten

3. сила тяжести c to sort out

4. ядро d. flood

5. расплавленный e. to cool

6. землетрясение f. mountain range

7. кора g. core

8. сортировать h. film

9. наводнение i. earthquake

10. горный хребет j. gravity

2.3 Fill in the gaps using the word formations.

Accumulate accumulation accumulating

1. Our planet is formed as the _____________ of unsorted particles.

2. The Earth was formed of ______________ mini-planets, dust and gases.

3. Lighter elements ____________ near the surface, while heavy elements _________ in the middle.

Continent continental

1. The crust consists of granite, which is below the ____________.

2. The ____________ crust is the outer rocky surface.

Crust crustal

1. The mantle is a layer of rocks between the ___________ and outer core.

2. Mantle rock is more denser than ___________ rock.

2.4 State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Compression produced immense internal heat and pressure.

2. Heavy elements collect near the surface.

3. There are 5 major layers produced by earlier processes.

4. The atmosphere is divided into 8 spheres.

5. The crust is a rocky outer surface.

6. If you cut the Earth, you can see an onion structure.

7. Basalt lies below continents, while granite lies below oceans.

8. Oceans cover about 71% of the crust.

9. Core is divided into inner and outer.

10. Crustal rock is denser than mantle rock.

2.5 Look at the cross-section of the Earth and give a definition to the following terms: EARTH, CORE, MANTLE, CRUST, ATMOSPHERE.

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