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Listening comprehension

5.1. You will hear a radio report about fossils. Answer statements 1-10 by writing T (for True) and F (for False):

1. Fossils are restricted to sedimentary rocks, as well as igneous and metamorphic.

2. The process of fossilization takes place over long periods of time.

3. Oxygen plays an important role in the process of fossilization.

4. Fossils are usually preserved in different rocks.

5. Diagenesis is known as reduction, accompanied by some chemical reactions.

6. Coal was formed as a result of carbonization.

7. Fossils are simply interesting and beautiful structures.

8. The word fossil refers to anything in the ground.

9. Petrifaction has the same meaning as fossils.

10. Fossils can be divided into several groups.

5 .2. Listen to the report once more. Then, for statements 11-20, complete the notes that summarize what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or a short phrase in each box.

11. The Latin word fodere means.

12. The term fossil means the direct evidence of life.

13. Fossils are usually found in.

14. The process of takes place over a long time.

15. The organisms begin after death.

16. The process of takes place in the presence of oxygen.

17. The process of takes place in the absence of oxygen.

18. The hard parts of organisms resist.

19. The fossils are covered by layers of.

20. is the increase of pressure in the pore spaces o

6. DISCUSSION (R.P – 2.1)


Imagine that you were living beings. You died, what must happen to your bodies to form fossils?


You are scientists trying to determine the age of the Earth on the basis of what.

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