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IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужное по смыслу время

Once, while I (walk) in a park of London, I (see) an old strange-looking man. He (sit) on a bench with a closed book in his hands. I (sit) on the bench and (look) at the book. I (see) that the book (be) of great interest. It (be) a very old copy of early Byron’s works. I (look) at the old man in surprise and (understand) that he (know) I (sit) on the bench because of him and the book he (hold) in his hands. I (smile). ‘ It is the last I (have)’- he said and (stretch) it out to me. I (take) it with the words:’ I (be) a lover of old books.’ I (open) this small book and (look) at the date. ‘ Oh,’ I said. ‘ It (be) a remarkable book.’ ‘ Yes,’ he (sigh). ‘I (have to) (sell) it (buy) the necessities of life. I (have) a hard life and this book always (be) a comfort to me.’ I (nod) and (think) that I never (see) such a remarkable book.

V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя эквиваленты модальных глаголов в соответствующем времени.

1. We (not to have) to take a taxi because we had a lot of time before the plane took off. 2. I don't think we (to be able) to check the prices just after the meeting. 3. Our president (to be) to sign the contract with the British firm at 10 o'clock today. 4. The president said during the talks that they (not to be able) to reduce their prices for the goods. 5. You (to have) to get the materials ready right away? 6. Mr Camp couldn't wait any more as he (to be) to go to the airport in an hour. 7. You (to have to) reserve a room in advance to get accommodation at the hotel last month?

VI. Выберите правильный вариант (other, another, the other).

1. The firm has some more branches in Southern Europe. You will have to contact (another, the other) branch. 2. We are going to place (another, other) orders with this company. 3. The firm has two branches in U.K. Smith and Co quote very high prices. Will you please contact (another, the other) branch? 4. I’ve not seen these materials yet. I’ve looked through (another, other) materials.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 1258 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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