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Check whether you understood the text above correctly and answer the questions below, using the words in brackets to build your answers, then translate them into Russian and write them down. Start with the words in capitals.

1. What is criminal law? – (a part of public law/ Criminal law/ is/ the relations between citizens and the state/ regulating).

2. What is a crime? – (to be wrong/ is/ Crime/ which/ the state/ considers/ an act).

3. What must be proven in every crime? – (precise elements/ For each crime/ must be proven/ there are/ which).

4. What is the difference between a theft and a burglary? – (A theft is/of property/ belonging to another/ dishonest/ appropriation/ entering someone’s land/ burglary is/ commit an act of violence/ or/ intending/ to steal/ and).

5. What are the two basic elements to a crime? – (the criminal act itself/ There are usually/ two important elements/ the criminal state of mind/ to a crime/ and).

6. In what way do governments “create new crimes”? – (by identifying/ They create/ a form of behavior/ new crimes/ to deal with it/ and passing a new law).

7. What is said in the text about computer crimes? – (imply that/ are stolen/ Computer crimes/ complex kinds of information/ altered/ or used to deceive others).

8. Why is the criminal law considered to be one of the fastest growing areas of the law? – (the rapid increase of the number of crimes/two reasons/ There are/ technical change/ to it).

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 661 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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