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In the center of the block coding theory is the concept of a generator matrix (4.1) and (4.2). If a = | a 0, a 1,..., ak | – row-matrix of a primary code the coding rule of a block codeis defined by the product
b = aG,(5.1)
where a = | a 0, a 1,..., ak | – row-matrix of primary code at encoder input,
b = | b 0, b 1,..., bn | – row-matrix of block code word at encoder output,
G – generator matrix of linear (n, k) code.
Example 5.1 The encoder of code (7,4).
The encoder structure of a systematic code (7,4) is defined by generator matrix (4.4) and coding rule (5.1). If on encoder input is the symbols row of a primary code a = (a 1, a 2, a 3, a 4) then symbols of allowed code word on its output
b = (b 1, b 2, b 3, b 4, b 5, b 6, b 7) are defined by following equalities:
b 1 = a 1, b 2 = a 2, b 3 = a 3, b 4 = a 4,
b 5 = a 1 a 2
a 3
a 4, b 6 = a 1
a 2
a 4, b 7 = a 1
a 3
a 4. (5.2)
On figure 5.1 the structure of encoder of systematic code (7,4) with equalities (5.2) is shown.
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By the decoding of block codes the check relations establish with use of the parity check matrix H which space of rows is orthogonal to space of rows of generator matrix, that is:
G · H T = 0. (5.3)
Here T– an index a transposition.
If generator matrix is set in the form (4.2) for performance of a orthogonality condition the parity check matrix should look like:
H = (P Tï I n - k ), (5.4)
where P T– transposed submatrix P of generator matrix G,
I n-k – identity matrix a size (n – k) ´ (n – k).
Exercise 5.1 The parity check matrix of a systematic code (7,4).
The generator matrix of systematic code (4.7) is set:
According to rule (5.4) form parity check matrix of this code.
Solution. Sequentially we discover the submatrixes entering into the formula (5.4). The transposed submatrix by size (n – k) ´ k:
The identity submatrix by size (n – k) ´ (n – k):
We unite submatrixes in the uniform parity check matrix of code:
. (5.5)
From orthogonality condition of generator and parity check matrixes of linear code (5.3) follows that each allowed word of linear code generated by rule b = a×G also satisfiesto the orthogonality condition:
b · H T = a · G · H T = 0. ( 5.6)
By transmission through the channel code symbols are distorted. The received words look like = b Å e, where b = (b 0, b 1,..., bn), and an error vector
е = (е 0, е 1,..., еn). By decoding calculate a syndrome vector
S = · H T = (s 0, s 1,..., sn–k –1). (5.7)
The syndrome depends only on an error vector:
S = · H T = (b Å e) H T =
· H T Å e · H T.
As the condition of orthogonality · H T= 0 is satisfied, the syndrome is equal:
S = e · H T (5.8)
From here the simple rule of the error detection follows:
1 If the syndrome S = 0 then an error vector е = 0, i.e. in the channel there were no errors and the received word belongs to set of the allowedcode words.
2 If S ≠ 0 word contains errors. It is possible by the syndrome symbols to define a configuration of the error vector.
This principle underlies syndrome decoding.
Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 378 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!