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Parameters of block error-control codes

There are the following parameters of the block codes. The size of a code alphabet m is the number of the various symbols used by a coding. In practice the codes with m = 2 are used. These are binary codes. For construction of binary code word binary alphabet with symbols {0, 1} is used. Wide practical using of binary codes is defined for a reason of simplicity of binary logic elements construction in codec memory devices. The block code consists of set of fixed length vectors named code word. The code word length is the number of elements in the vector and is denoted with n.

redundancy in the block code words can be entered as follows. Let on a block encoder input the block of information symbols a = { a 1, a 2, a 3, …, ak } arrives. By the block coding code word on the encoder output can look like:

b = { a 1, a 2, a 3, …, ak, c 1, c 2, c 3,..., cn–k },

where (c 1, c 2, c 3, …, cn–k) – additional symbols. Values of additional symbols are defined by coding rules. Such code is called as systematic code. Each codeword of length n symbols contains in a systematic codes k information symbols. Thus to an information symbols are added r = nk additional symbols which are depend on information symbols and used by the decodingfor detection and correction of an errors. By nonsystematic codes information symbols in an explicit form in a code word do not contain.

The total quantity of the possible code words of the block error-control code is defined by the formula:

M = mn = 2 n. (2.1)

For a possibility of detection and correction of an errors these M code wordsnot completely use for an information transfer. From these 2 n code words we may select M 0 = 2 k code words (k < n) to the forming a code. Thus block of k information bits is mapped into a code word of length n selected from the set of M 0 = 2 k code words. These words named as allowed code word as they are allowed for an information transfer. We refer the resulting block code as an (n, k) code, and the ratio


is defined to be the code rate.

The rate of a error-control code is defined also by the ratio

R code = (log2 M 0)/(log2 M). (2.3)

In nonredundancy code M 0 = M (or k = n) and the rate is

R code = 1. (2.4)

Quantity of the allowed code words is equal M 0 = 2 k.

In the error-control code possible words are used not completely i.e. M 0 < M. It illustrates redundancy of a code. redundancy of a systematic code K red is arelative share of the number of additional symbols nk in a code word on its length n symbols:

K red = 1 – R code = (n–k)/ n. (2.5)

For simple (nonredundancy) code n = k, and K red = 0.

Exercise 2.1 As it is known, in a binary channels under the noises and distortions there are an errors in form of transitions of a transferred symbols to an opposite symbols. For example, by transfer of a symbol 1 transition (1→0) is possible and accordingly transitions (0→1) are possible also. consider the possibilities of the binary error-control code construction intended for transfer of messages with symbols from alphabet with volume of MA, and allowing by the receiving to detect the channel errors. specify the encoding and decoding methods of such code. For the developed algorithm of a coding define rate and redundancy of such codes.

Instructions. The providing of an errors detection in the transmitted code words will be possible if for the allowed code words to give a forms which are changed by errors in symbols of this words. Then detection of errors (i.e. decoding) can be made by check of conformity of received words to this in advance known forms. At the first development times of the error-detecting codes the maintenance in the transmitted allowed words of «even number of unit symbols» was considered as simple way. So the «code with even number of units» has been invented.

decision. Consider a construction variant of the binary systematic code intended for transferring letters, chosen from the alphabet of volume MA. According to above considered rule the information block a = { a 1, a 2, a 3, a 4, …, ak } of each word should contain k binary symbols ai. The total quantity of information blocks should be precisely equal to volume of the source alphabet MA. That is the equality MA = 2 k guarantees transfer of each source symbol and the corresponding to it code words of systematic code. The quantity of units in an information blocks depends from a primary simple code and can be both even and odd. It appears that for realization of encoding and decoding of such code words it is convenient to use the procedure «module-2 addition» [3]. This procedure defines the simple way to find of the parity of units number in a code word. To everyone information block we will attribute one additional symbol (r = 1) so that the quantity of units in again formed word was even. Encoding it is made in such sequence:

1 Let information block a is represented by a primary code: a 1→101010;

2 By consecutive module-2 addition of the primary code symbols defines an additional symbol с = 1;

3 We form allowed code words, finishing an additional symbol to the block of information symbols b = 1010101. It is visible, that the coding rule is carried out, since the number of units remains even;

4 By the other form of a primary code it is received: a 2→101011, с = 0 and b 2 =1010110;

5 It is obvious, that any transition ((1→0) or (0→1)) changes number of units in the received words. If by decoding to use procedure of calculation of units number it is possible to detect errors.

remark. It appears, such code allows to detect not any errors configurations. The simple analysis shows, that two-multiple change of symbols cannot change parity and such errors in this code are impossible to detect. It is recommended to make such analysis for other variants of error combinations independently.

The rateand redundancy of a code with even units number and by parameters (k, r = 1, n = k+r = k + 1) are defined by formulas:

and .

It is visible, that for the big lengths of the information block k>>1 rate of such code is close to R code = 1, and redundancy by transfer for example letters from the Russian text with alphabet volume MA = 32 (k = 5)will be small .

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 348 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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