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The first week of any job is to settle in and to get on with your boss and colleagues.

ü Arrive on time, especially on your first day, and don’t leave early.

ü Be visible but don’t try too hard to make a good impression. Watch how others behave and listen more than you speak. Your boss will judge you by the company you keep so avoid staff who complain or gossip.

ü Make friends with colleagues who are dynamic and enthusiastic. Never try to make yourself popular through silly jokes or bad behaviour – people have long memories.

ü Don’t make comparisons with other companies – especially your old one. Keep a positive attitude. Don’t criticize your colleagues or get involved in their arguments.

ü If you’re sharing an office, respect your colleagues’ working space. Don’t move the furniture or be untidy in the office.

ü Finally, new recruits sometimes expect to have important tasks straight away. The reality is different: whatever your experience and qualifications, expect to begin with basic jobs like photocopying or making the coffee. Stay busy, do every job well and keep smiling.

1. Make a list of dos and don’ts for each item in the list.

Time-keeping … arrive on time … leave early
Listening and speaking    
Making friends    
Comparing your old company with the new one    
Office politics    
Sharing an office    
Basic jobs (photocopying)    

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 818 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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