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By Using The Answers In This Short Guide You Will Be More Prepared

1. What do you consider your most significant weaknesses?

This question basically forces you to tell the interviewer something negative about yourself. Don’t reveal deep character flaws, but tell the interviewer you have a few faults that you are working to improve and then give a few examples. Turn this question around and turn a weakness into a strength. Don't actually tell the interviewer that you have a problem as it will sound like a weakness and a reason not to hire you.

Best answer:

1. "I pay close attention to details which does result in a higher quality of work and saves additional time down the road, though it does take more time up front and sometimes overtime."

2. "I am a person who likes to meet deadlines and deliver what I promise and sometimes I can get a little frustrated with my fellow co-workers if I'm waiting on them in the last hour before something is due."

2. What do you consider your most significant strengths?

This is another top 10 question that you can surely expect to hear in any interview. Prepare yourself and make sure you can rattle off three to five of your strengths as it relates to your past or present job, work experience, and the requirements for the job for which you are interviewing. Though it's something to be proud of, they don't want to hear what a wonderful mom you are or what a good basketball player you are. Be prepared and know your strengths and don't tell the interviewer that you don't have any, even if you don't. Relate your strengths to the job for which you are applying.

Best answer:

1. "I have a solid background in Accounts Receivables, great problem solving abilities and I get things done with little direction."And then elaborate a bit on your specific skills, but don't turn this answer into a book. Keep it short and move on.

2. "I have great communication skills and can work with many different types of people of varying personalities and skill levels. I am motivated, disciplined, and focused and am determined to get my job done well and on time."

3. "I meet deadlines. I deliver what I promise. As a result, I've always made my managers look good."

3. How do you get along with different types of people?

The workplace is loaded with a variety of different people with varying personalities and the interviewer wants to know how you think you will fit in. You want to show the interviewer that it does not matter what kind of people you work with - just that work gets done. This shows the interviewer that you are more concerned with outcomes than personalities.

Best answer:

1. "I work well with anyone who delivers what they promise."

2. "I have always been able to get along with anyone. It does not matter how difficult some of my co-workers can be, I've always managed to get along with them.

Be prepared to handle tricky Interview Questions like these…

· What are your salary requirements? ( You should answer this question without revealing how low you are willing to go.)

· Did you ever have a boss that you did not like or get along with? ( We all have at one time, but you should think beforehand and say "nice things" about your boss, even if he was the worst.

· Did you have any trouble finding the office? ( Seems like an innocent "how's-the-weather" type question, doesn't it? Don't fall for it. Everyone has trouble finding a new office the first time and your answer says a lot about your character. )

· Your resume shows a gap in work history, what happened? ( Be prepared to answer this one, no matter if you have been out of work for 6 months or 6 years. )

· Why are you looking for a job in a field that is not related to your major? ( Looking for a job outside your major or recent field of experience can raise "red flags," so you need to think well what to answer.)

· Tell me about yourself

· Why did you leave your last job? ( Everyone gets this one wrong. You should give an answer that reveals your strengths. )

· Do you know anything about our company?

· What did you like about your last job?

· What would you like to be doing five years from now? ( A well spoken answer shows how you make good use of goals and are perfect for the job.)

· Can you work under pressure?

· Could you describe a difficult problem and how you dealt with it?

· Why do you want to work here?

· What are your biggest accomplishments?

· How do you accept criticism?

· What are some of the things that bother you?

· Do you prefer working with others or alone?

· Can you give me an example of a project that didn’t work out well?

· What are some of the things you and your supervisor have disagreed on?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 516 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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