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Topic 2. JOB interview

Text 1. Read about Dos and Don’ts for job seekers and discuss with a partner how you can avoid mistakes and follow recommendations


Do learn ahead of time about the company and its product. Don’t keep stressing your need for a job.
Do apply for a job in person. Don’t discuss past experience, which has no application to the job situation.
Do let as many people as possible know that you are job “hunting.” Don’t apologize for your age.
Do stress your qualification for this job. Don’t be untidy in appearance.
Do mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job. Don’t beg for consideration.
Do assume an air of confidence. Don’t mumble.
Do approach the employer with respectful dignity. Don’t be one of those who can do everything.
Do try to be optimistic in your attitude. Don’t hedge in answering questions.
Do try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath. Don’t hesitate to fill out applications, give references, etc. on request.
Do answer the questions honestly. Don’t hang around, prolonging the interview when it should be over.
Do have a good resume. Don’t go to an interview without a record of former employment.
Do know the importance of getting along with people. Don’t arrive late or breathless for an interview.
Do recognize your limitations. Don’t be a “know it all” or a person who can’t take instructions.
Do make plenty of applications. Don’t isolate yourself from contacts that might help you find a job.
Do indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn. Don’t display a feeling of inferiority.
Do be well groomed and appropriately dressed. Don’t write incorrect information on your CV to make it look better.

What tips of advice from the table above do you follow in applying for a job? What tips will you take into consideration (принять к сведению)? Do you agree with everything? What can you add from your own experience?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 921 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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