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Cover letter

You must include a covering letter when sending your resume to anyone. A covering letter should do more than state “Here is my application and resume.” A well-written covering letter reveals important communication skills. Cover letters should be brief, energetic and interesting. A polished cover letter answers the following questions:

1. Why are you writing to me and why should I consider your candidacy?

2. What qualifications or values do you have that I could benefit from?

3. What are you prepared to do to further sell yourselves?

Below are the guidelines for a covering letter:

· Get the reader’s attention: try to say something that the reader wants to read on. This could be your qualification or a reason of your interest in the firm. If someone respected by the employer has suggested you to make the application, mention the person right at the beginning.

· State your purpose: remember that the reader who is uncertain about your purpose is unlikely to act.

· Give a brief summation of your selling points: focus not on how the job would help you, but on how you can help the employer, e.g. not “I would like to work for… this summer to up-grate my qualifications and gain some practical experience” but “I believe the courses in …… I have taken will help me to make a useful contribution to your summer work”.

· Ask for an interview.

· Don’t mention salary expectations in the covering letter. The interview is a more appropriate time to discuss money

· Don’t thank in advance. Although intending to be polite, you may seem presumptuous.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 535 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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