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Article II

Female Discovered in Trunk of Car at U.S./Canada Border

Blaine, Wash. – U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers made a surprising discovery at the Peace Arch port of entry on October 19, a female hiding in the trunk of an automobile.

CBP officers of the Blaine Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team were conducting enforcement operations when they selected a 2004 Honda Civic from Virginia for examination. Upon opening the trunk they were astonished to discover the concealed 20-year-old female. All occupants were immediately removed from the vehicle and placed in handcuffs.

Even more remarkable was that the driver and the smuggled female were U.S. citizens. When questioned by officers, they both stated that they took this unusual action because they were under the erroneous notion that because she lacked a passport, the passenger would not be permitted back into the United States.

When informed of this discovery by her officers, Port Director Margaret Fearon warned, “All travelers are reminded that any smuggling of persons or contraband is a serious offense and subject to criminal and civil penalties.” In this case, the violation for driver’s failure to present all persons for inspection resulted in a mitigated monetary penalty of $500.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 453 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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