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I. Headlines

Headlines in English-language newspapers can be difficult to understand as they are often written in a special style, with some specific rules to be followed, and words that may be used in unusual ways. Headlines often:

- contain groups of several nouns:

Office staff pay deal row

- leave out articles and the verb to be:

Chairman likely to quit

- contain simple tenses instead of perfect tenses. The present simple tense is used for both present and past events:

US law firms agree deal

- refer to the future with infinitives:

Border traffic to speed up

- omit the verb “be” if a continuous form is used:

Prices going through the roof

- contain certain words that are used because they are shorter and more dramatic than their alternatives:

ANZ thinks further link in Asia

Task 1. Read and translate the headlines.

1. China renews attack on US technology project.

2. Ford to raise $2 m.

3. Pessimists foresee further decline in industry.

4. Underwater venture needs backing to stay afloat.

5. Firms seem ignorant of software piracy risks.

6. Drug trafficking: cocaine now moves by submarine.

7. Aeroflot in $ 940 m bid for Alitalia.

8. Two piracy cases test readiness for WTO.

9. Central America to get $6 bln aid.

10. Call centres ring changes.

11. Прочитать и перевести заголовки.

12. 1. Китай возобновляет атаку на проект американской технологии.

13. 2. Форд привлечь $ 2 метра.

14. 3. Пессимисты предвидеть дальнейший спад в промышленности.

15. 4. Подводный предприятия необходима поддержка, чтобы остаться на плаву.

16. 5. Компаний кажется, знают о рисках пиратства.

17. 6. Незаконный оборот наркотиков: кокаин в настоящее время движется по подводной лодке.

18. 7. Аэрофлот в 940 миллионов долларов заявку на Alitalia.

19. 8. Два пиратством тестов готовности к ВТО.

20. 9. Центральной Америке, чтобы получить $ 6 млрд помощи.

21. 10. Позвоните изменения центрах кольцо.

22. повышение

Task 2. Match the italicized words in the headlines on the left to their meaning on the right.

1. Norton to probe fraud allegations.

2. Renova seeks merger for growth.

3. Chiefs at odds on consumer spending.

4. iPod sales help boost earnings at Apple.

5. G8 heads on brink of climate agreement.

6. Worldwide revenues soar for digital age industries.

a) in disagreement

b) to increase the value or amount of something

c) to be near something

d) to go up rapidly to a high level

e) look for

f) investigate

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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