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Chapter one







Class one (Chapter 1)



  1. white silk breeches – белые шелковые бриджи
  2. harlequin jersey – пестрый (многоцветный) вязаный жакет
  3. birch fence – березовый забор (препятствие)
  4. steeplechase – скачки с препятствиями
  5. the best hunter ‘chaser – лучшая верховая лошадь на скачках с препятствиями
  6. to clear the fence – взять препятствие
  7. he gained another two lengths - он вырвался вперед еще на два корпуса
  8. racecourse – скаковой круг
  9. abdomen – нижняя часть живота
  10. saddle-tree – (кон. спорт.) седло лука
  11. take off side – сторона отталкивания
  12. concussion – сотрясение мозга
  13. post of the wing – столб створки барьера
  14. weighing room – комната для взвешивания
  15. the Clerk of the Course – управляющий ипподромом
  16. valet – слуга, конюх
I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. We were down at the far end of the Maidenhead racecourse with more than half a mile to go to the winning post. I hadn’t a hope of catching him.
  2. There had been a quality about that fall which put it straight into the killing class.
  3. I booted my horse into the next three fences, but my heart was no longer in it.
  4. Her small neat figure was dressed gaily in scarlet, and a mink hat sat provocatively on top of her cloudy dark curls. They were clothes for success, not sorrow.
  5. Back in Bulawayo where I got my schooling, the mathematics master spent hours (too many, I thought in my youth) teaching us to draw correct inferences from a few known facts.
  6. I arranged with Clem for my kit to go to Plumpton where I was due to ride four days later, and set off on an uninviting walk.
II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. В красно-зеленом костюме он был четко виден на фоне бледной пелены тумана – p.2
  2. Он должен был победить – p.2
  3. без какой-либо явной причины – p.4
  4. комната первой медицинской помощи – p.3
  5. забрать свою экипировку – p.4
  6. в связи с усилением тумана последний заезд был отменен – p.4
  7. хорошо рассмотреть – p.4
  8. закрепить проволоку – p.4
  9. преднамеренное действие против определенной лошади p.4
  10. кто-либо, обладающий властью, полномочиями – p.4
III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What were the relations between Alan York and Bill Davidson?
  2. What horse was likely to win the race? How did it happen that Alan was the first?
  3. How bad was the fall? How seriously was Bill injured?
  4. What attracted Alan’s attention during the race?
  5. What did he think about Bill’s accident?
  6. Why didn’t Alan go to the hospital with Scilla?
  7. Where did Alan go to when the last race had been abandoned? What for?
  8. What did Alan discover there? What conclusions did he come to after examining the fence where Bill fell?
  9. Why couldn’t Alan report his findings to anyone in authority?
IV. Find the following words and word combinations in the text, translate them into Russian and use them while answering the questions:

to clear the fence

ahead of me

to land upside down

to have a brief impression

on his way to help Bill

I emerged as the winner

He’s bleeding internally

to draw correct inferences

to collect my kit

to fasten the wire securely

to be on the way home unreachable

to locate any of them

Class two (Chapters 2 – 3)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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