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XI. Раскрыв скобки, употребите глагол в нужной форме(Past Simple Tense, Present Simple Tense, Present Perfect Tense), в действительном или страдательном залоге

1. The European Economic Union (to form) in 1958.

2. A new policy of advertising goods (to introduce) by the firm recently.

3. Not much money (to require) for the company to start business a month ago.

4. The OPEC (to include) many oil producers, however, it (not/ to supply) all the world's oil.

5. The market for computers (to increase) since the prices for old models (to fall).

6. The government (not/ to cope) with the problem of high unemployment yet.

7. Russia (to know) as an important oil producer in the world market.

8. The USA and Canada (to become) the members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 1960.

9. What (to cause) energy scarcity in recent years?

10. Global energy crisis (not/ to take) place for the last five years.

11. The number of workers engaged in the service sector in the USA (to grow) in recent decades.

12. What industrial economics (to deal) with?

13. Consumption of foodstuffs (not/ to rise) lately.

XII. Вставьте слова в нужной форме: to deal with; a competitor; applied; various; loss; recent; to cope with; to engage; closely connected; scarcity; to influence; profit; an adjustment; equipment; a consumption; an enterprise (2); a competition; a degree; a rise.

1. The economics of energy is... with industrial economics.

2. Labour economics... such problems as employment, unemployment, education etc.

3. Agricultural economics as one of the... fields is very important for countries with a large agricultural sector.

4. Governments in developing countries try... the problem of economic dependence on developed countries.

5. There is a great... of qualified specialists such as teachers, doctors, mechanics in agricultural areas.

6. The behaviour of a monopolist greatly... the price for the industry's products.

7. Sometimes government... are necessary to protect domestic producers from foreign....

8. There is a strong... among large companies in the world market.

9. The... of price control is low in this country.

10. Any manager studies the... and... of his company before he makes decisions about its work.

11. There are manufacturing... as well as agricultural... in this area.

12.... universities and laboratories have been invited by the government to work at this project. Now very many qualified specialists are... in this work.

13. The... in... of oil products has increased their price.

14. A lot of new... has been bought by the factory in... years.

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