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VI. Вставьте местоименияsome или any

1. Are there... big enterprises in this region?

2. The company didn't make... profit last year.

3. There are... companies that compete in the world market.

4.... energy resources such as coal and wood have already been fully used in... developed countries.

5. The government hasn't made... adjustments to cope with the financial crisis yet.

6.... new equipment requires workers who know how to work with it.

7. OPEC hasn't made... decisions on oil prices this month yet.

8. Have economists made... optimistic predictions about the economic development?

9. This production process requires... water.

10. There are... new models of cars that use the energy of the sun as fuel.

11. We have... fuel to reach the nearest petrol station.

12. Is there... land to build a new factory in this area?

13. Many European countries don't have... sources of energy and import them from other countries.

VII. Переведите на английский язык словосочетания с
причастием II.

1. New (внедренные методы) of education helped the students to understand the material better.

2. Closely (связанные предприятия) have developed good relationships.

3. The (вода, потребляемая) by this plant is taken from the Volga.

4. The number of (инженеров, нанятых) by this company has increased two times.

5. (Возросшая степень) of concentration in the industry causes less competition.

6. (Достигнутый успех) was a result of the work of many scientists.

7. (Требуемый жизненный уровень) was achieved in the country last year.

8. (Товары, производимые) by this company are sold very quickly.

9. (Заводы, обеспеченные) with the necessary resources get high profits.

VIII. Измените предложения, употребив глагол в действи-
тельном залоге.

Образец: Industrial organization and public policy are studied by industrial economics. -»Industrial economics studies industrial organization and public policy.

1. The degree of concentration has already been analyzed by industrial economics.

2. The behaviour of firms in the industry is influenced by the structure of the industry.

3. Both profits and losses in any industry are affected by the behaviour of companies.

4. A lot of energy has been used by modern economy in recent decades.

5. The consumption of various sources of energy has been increased both by firms and by families.

6. In the past, wood and coal were used as the main sources of energy by man.

7. Serious adjustments have been made by industrial economies in order to cope with energy scarcity.

8. In recent decades the problems of energy economics have been discussed by governments in many countries.

9. Regular meetings are held by the OPEC, a well-known international organization.

10. Decisions on strategy for countries that export oil are taken by the OPEC.

11. Oil is processed into fuel by the company.

12. New methods of oil processing have been introduced by the firm.

IX. Переведите на русский язык и определите, какими ча­
стями речи являются однокоренные слова:

1. competition, to compete, competitor, competitive

2. to apply, applied, application

3. industry, industrial, industrialized

4. to adjust, adjustment

5. scarce, scarcity, scarcely

6. to educate, education, educative

7. to consume, consumer, consumption

8. to introduce, introduction

X. Вставьте слова из упражнения IX в нужной форме.

1. Resources of water are... in hot and dry areas.

2. The... of new methods in company management has increased the productivity.

3. Engineers have found some... fields for this new material.

4. Some imported goods are more... than goods produced in the country.

5. Television in any country has some... programmes.

6. In order to... to new economic conditions the firm changed the prices for its goods.

7. Such countries as Canada, Australia and most European countries belong to... countries.

8. The... of electricity by an average family has increased.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1905 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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