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Образуйте форму инфинитива страдательного залога по модели

Обрзец: to do – to be done

to show – to be shown

to bring, to translate, to send, to offer, to make, to speak, to tell, to say, to build, to use, to advise, to break, to give, to take, to find, to see, to do, to join, to visit, to clean, to understand, to meet, to plant, to write, to read, to pay, to finish, to return.

4. Употребите следующие предложения во всех фор­мах страдательного залога. Выберите соответствую­щий индикатор времени

1. Dinner (be cooked) by mother. 2. This problem (be discussed) by the stu­dents. 3. A new grammar rule (be explained) by the teacher. 4. The poem (be learnt) by the pupils. 5. A beautiful piece of music (be played) by the pianist. 6. The suit (be made) by a tailor. always, usually, often, in 1997, yesterday, at 5 o'clock yesterday, tomor­row, the day after tomor­row, in a week, next Mon­day, at 5 o'clock tomorrow, now, at this moment, during the break, when he comes in, just, today, this year, last week, by five o'clock, before his parents came, be­fore Christmas, by the end of the month.

5. Переведите следующие предложения, выбрав необ­ходимую форму глагола страдательного залога

1. Статья была переведена вчера. a) is translated

б) was translated

в) had been translated

2. Когда я пришел, статья переводилась a) was translated

студентами. б) was being translated в) were being translated

3. Статья уже была переведена, a) had been translated

когда я пришел. б) has been translated

в) had translated

4. Статью будут переводить завтра a) will be translated

на уроке. б) will have been translated

в) is being translated

6. Преобразуйте следующие предложения из дейст­вительного залога в страдательный

1. Не published the book last year. 2. We use these clothes only on special occasions. 3. Somebody switched on the light and opened the door. 4. They will give you an answer in some days. 5. Who wrote this novel? 6. They showed her the easiest way to do it. 7. We have looked for the telegram everywhere. 8. Nobody had visited him. 9. They will have finished the work by twelve. 10. We shall not admit children under sixteen. 11. The pupils can do this exercise without any difficulty. 12. You must not leave your bags in the hall. 13. They don't look after the children properly.

7. Преобразуйте предложения, содержащие два до­полнения, из действительного залога в страда­тельный

Обрзец: My friend gave me an interesting book.

– An interesting book was given to me.

– I was given an interesting book.

1. They showed us the postcards of New Year. 2. The teacher told the pupils the story of Washington. 3. My father promised me to bring an interesting book about London. 4. They gave him the chance. 5. The grandmother read the grandson a fairy-tale.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 2212 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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