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Употребите следующие предложения в 3-м лице единственного числа Present Indefinite Tense, обращая внимание на чтение окончаний -s, -еs

Образец: The rivers freeze in winter. (This river)

This river freezes in winter.

1. You watch TV too much. (The boy). 2. These shops close at 6 p.m. 3. We realize the danger of doing it. (He). 4. The children hurry to the cinema after school (The child). 5. We arrange everything for the New Year party (Bill). 6. I always help them. (She). 7. They look very well (Jane). 8. They worry too much about their children (This woman). 9. I agree with you (My mother). 10. Trams pass our house every ten minutes.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, выбрав подходящий по смыслу вариант ответа

1. How does 2. What does 3. Who     a doctor a teacher a hairdresser a barber a postman a baker a miner a worker a dressmaker an engine driver a lawyer a farmer     help us? do?         grows all kinds of corn and vegetables for us; bakes bread for us; brings us letters and telegrams; cuts hair and shaves men; cuts and dresses women's hair; makes our clothes; cures the ill and old; digs coal for us; teaches us to solve problems right, how to count, to read and write; makes cars, planes and other things; sees that the laws of the country are obeyed; drives trains for us.  

5. Поставьте общие вопросы к данным утвержде­ниям. Дайте на них краткие и полные отрицательные ответы

Образец А: I trust a) Do you trust him?

him. – No, I don't.

I don't trust him.

She trusts b) Does she trust him?

– No, she doesn't.

She doesn't trust him.

a) 1. I know him well. 2. The children often swim in this river. 3. We pick apples in July. 4. The taxes rise every three days. 5. They sing well. 6. The children make terrible noise.

b) 1. Our English teacher speaks three foreign lan­guages. 2. This man usually wears a hat. 3. She wants to learn Spanish. 4. Annie comes from Wales. 5. It takes me ten minutes to get to school. 6. She knows English well.

Образец Б: The boy did his homework and watched TV.

Did the boy do his homework and watch TV?

– Yes, he did. (No, he didn't).

а) 1. He sent a letter to us. 2. She saved up to go abroad. 3. They arrived here an hour ago. 4. I recognized the man. 5. He refused to answer the questions. 6. We asked the teacher a lot of questions about England.

б) 1. He sold his car. 2. The police caught the thief. 3. We heard a terrible noise in the street. 4. We met him at my friend's birthday party. 5. My mother taught En­glish at school. 6. My brother learnt German well.

Образец В: I will remember this day all my life.

Will you remember this day all your life?

– Yes, I will. (No, I won't).

1. We shall move to a new flat next week. 2. I shall open the door for you. 3. She will come and see me after classes. 4. He will take this letter to the post. 5. You will get your visa, if you fill in this form. 6. A dog will obey his owner but cat will not.

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. The train leaves at 9. 2. We have supper at 8 p. m. 3. Old ladies like to sit by fire. 4. His grandparents live in Gomel. 5. He visits his grandparents very often. 6. Her brother made three mistakes in his test. 7. He worked at a plant last year. 8. They will remember this day for ever. 9. She has a headache, so she will not go to school.

7. Спросите, используя модель и предложенные слова

Do you know who works under the earth?

I'd like to know I wonder whose work deals with animals?

a) in the open air, sits (stands) all day long, has dirty work, stressful job, adopts laws of the country.

b) with sick people, our food, brain work, writing books, painting pictures, making discoveries.

8. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и от­рицательную формы

1. Den studies at the University. 2. They usually buy newspapers in the morning. 3. The teacher asks many questions. 4. He entered the Law faculty. 5. My friend saw an interesing film yesterday. 6. They got to the coun­try by bus. 7. Nick will work as a teacher. 8. We shall make coffee for him. 9. Her cousin will go abroad next week.

9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы

а) Do you live far from school?

Does it take you long to get to school?

How many lessons a day do you have?

Does your friend learn English or French?

You often listen to the radio, don't you?

You don't go to the library every day, do you?

Who usually speaks English with you?

Which of you swims well?

Whose brother drives a car very well?

How many pets live in your flat (house)?

б) Did you go to the theatre yesterday?

At what age did you start to learn English?

Who helped you in choosing your future profession?

Who used to help you with your studies at school?

Where did you use to spend your holidays?

How many guests came to your birthday party?

Whose family lived in the country last summer?

в) Will you try to enter any university after leaving school?

Will you take your final exams, in May or in June?

Will you continue your studies or join the army after school?

You won't go to the seaside this summer, will you?

г) Are you going to watch TV tonight?

How are you going to spend the weekend?

Which of you is going to take part in the confe­rence?

Are you going to become a lawyer or an economist?

You are going to take English at the entrance exami­nations, aren't you?

10. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную видовременную форму глаголов

1. Nurses (look) after patients in hospitals. 2. Ann plays the piano, but she (not, play) it very well. 3. In Brit­ain most shops (close) at 5.30 p. m. 4. At night when it (get) dark, they (switch) on the TV or the radio and (lis­ten) to music. 5. Mr. Brown often (go) to the cinema but his wife (not to go) very often. She (prefer) to stay at home and to watch TV. 6. You (mind) if I ask you a question? – That (depend) on the question. – It (concern) your future. – Sorry, but I (not to want) to speak about it till I (pass) my final exams at school. 7. His mother often (tell) him that he (spend) too much money but he never (listen). 8. I didn't want to meet Robert so when he (enter) the room I (leave). 9. I (learn) to drive a car some years ago. 10. He (cross) the street and (go) towards the city park. 11. As soon as you (come) home, I'll phone you. 12. If you (enter) the Institute, your parents will be happy. 13. If it (rain) we shall stay at home. 14. I will not write to him unless he (write) to me. 1.5. They (come) if you ask them. 16. I (see) you next week?

11. Употребите следующие пословицы в кратких си­туациях

1. One man does not make a team.

2. Too much knowledge makes the head bald.

3. Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

4. Time works wonders.

5. Good clothes open all doors.

6. Fortune favours the brave.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 2204 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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