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Упражнения. 1. Проанализируйте употребление оборота there + be в следующих предложениях

1. Проанализируйте употребление оборота there + be в следующих предложениях

1. There is a large forest near our city. 2. There are many berries and mushrooms there. 3. There is always much work to do about the house. 4. There is no need to begin all over again. 5. There is nothing to do but to wait. 6. Are there any museums in your home town? 7. There were no vacant seats in the stalls. 8. There will be an interesting lecture on literature tomorrow. 9. There is a sofa and two armchairs in our living-room. 10. There is always much light in this room.

2. Поставьте следующие предложения в Past и Future Indefinite

Образец: There is a park near our school.

There was a park near our school.

There will be a park near our school.

1. There is much snow in winter. 2. There are not any German books in our library. 3. There is one theatre and five cinemas in this town. 4. There is no lift in our house. 5. There is little milk in the bottle. 6. There are few shops in this district. 7. There are three rooms in our flat. 8. There is a new film on at our local cinema. 9. There are not many difficult exercises in this text-book. 10. There are two hospitals in this town.

3. Преобразуйте предложения, употребляя оборот there is/are

Образец: This room has two windows.

There are two windows in this room.

a) 1. This city has many monuments. 2. Our town has no theatres. 3. This family has two children. 4. Our group has many good pupils. 5. Every week has 7 days and every year has twelve months. 6. She has a lot of English books in her library.

b) 1. The dog is in the room. 2. The children are in the yard. 3. The students are in the laboratory. 4. The car is near the house. 5. The bench was under the tree. 6. A lot of people will be at the stadium tomorrow.

Образец: I see (have) several English books, on the shelf.

There are several English books on the shelf.

в) 1. I see much sand on the beach. 2. I see a man at the corner. 3. I see many students in my classroom. 4. He hasn't any pictures on the wall..5. I have no red ink. 6. We have a lot of ports in the Atlantic Ocean. 7. I can see a letter lying on the floor. 8. I can't see anybody here. 9. I noticed only two mistakes in his dictation. 10. He knew only one way out of the situation. 11. I could see yellow curtains on your window. 12. He noticed two more men behind the house.

4. Употребите формы it is или there is/are в следующих предложениях

а) 1.... very wet today,... impossible to go out. 2.... thick fog last week.... usually a lot of accidents in such bad weather. 3.... foolish to drive fast when... foggy or rainy. 4.... interesting to go sightseeing in any unknown city. 5.... a lot of places of interest in ancient towns of this country. 6.... time to go home,... a lot of work to do there. 7.... all sorts of stories about Robin Hood.

б) 1.... a gas-stove in the kitchen. 2.... a gas-stove. 3.... fine today. 4.... an underground station near my house. 5.... nearly 11 o'clock. 6.... a light in the window. Somebody must be at home. 7.... no place like home. 8.... time to go to bed. 9.... not much furniture in our flat. 10.... not true to say that she is a close friend of mine. 11.... no central heating in my house. 12.... only one cigarette in the box. 13.... important to know the details. 14.... fifteen students in our group. 15.... a pity you can't go with us. 16.... too early to leave. 17.... any news in the letter? 18.... easy to understand why she is absent. 19.... much milk in the jug. 20.... a pity you can't join us. 21.... some interesting articles in the newspaper. 22.... not very cold today.

5. Задайте вопросы к следующим утверждениям и дайте ответы на них

а) Образец: There are some interesting English books in my library.

Are there any English books in your library? – Yes, (sure) there are. –

No, (I am afraid) there are not. There are no English books in my library.

1. There are new blocks of flats in this street. 2. There is a bus stop over there. 3. There will be an interesting match on TV tonight. 4. There were so many people at the concert. There was no place to sit down. 5. There are some interesting articles in this magazine.

б) Образец: There are plates and spoons on the table.

– What is there on the table?

1. There is some cheese on the plate. 2. There are a lot of stars in the sky. 3. There were not many apples in our garden this year. 4. There was nothing interesting in today's newspaper. 5. There will be a concert on TV tonight.

Дополните ответы в отрицательной форме

Образец: As far as I remember there is a path to the forest.

I am afraid you are wrong, there is no path there.

1. There was a telephone in the hall. - I'm afraid,.... 2. I should like to have some ice-cream. - But.... 3. You can take this book in the library. - I was there. But.... 4. There will be much trouble with this car. - Why, on the contrary.... 5. I am going to see a popular TV programme tonight. But.... 6. There are many old trees in your garden. On the contrary....

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив конструкцию there is/are, либо глаголы to be, to have, где это необходимо

1. В нашей квартире есть телефон. У нас также есть радиоприемник и телевизор. 2. Наш дом находится на улице Свободы. Около дома есть школа и поликлиника. 3. В библиотеке нашей школы много английских книг, а у меня только несколько. 4. На улице много снега. Снег лежит на земле, на крыше, на деревьях. 5. Завтра будет собрание. Я должен присутствовать там. 6. Что лежит на вашем письменном столе? У меня там доклад и записная книжка. 7. У моей сестры много работы в поликлинике. Она врач. На ее участке много людей. 8. В Москве много красивых зданий и исторических памятников. 9. Масло не в холодильнике, оно на столе. Там также есть белый хлеб и варенье. 10. В этой книге много юмора. 11. Этот текст трудно перевести, так как в нем много незнакомых слов. 12. В коллекции моего отца есть несколько старинных марок. 13. Сколько книг зарубежных писателей в твоей домашней библиотеке?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 3669 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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