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Употребите полную форму глаголов to be, to have в 3-м лице единственного числа

1. He's 18. 2. It's far from London. 3. He's cold. 4. There's enough salt in the soup. 5. She's got a new coat. 6. Jane's married. 7. He's got a motor cycle. 8. She's got a lot of strawberries in her basket. 9. It's Monday today. 10. She's interested in mathematics. 11. He's got black hair. 12. My name's Pitt.

Поставьте общие вопросы к следующим утверждениям и дайте на них краткие ответы

A. Образец: I am afraid of snakes.

Are you afraid of snakes?

– Yes, I am (No, I am not.)

B. He has (got) a car.

Has he (got) a car? – Yes, he has. (No, he hasn't.)

C. She had a good rest last summer.

Did she have a good rest last summer?

– Yes, she did. (No, she didn't.)

а) 1. You are good at physics. 2. The ice wasn't thick enough to skate. 3. Marry will be angry with me. 4. That was Bill on the phone. 5. She is proud of. her children. 6. The weather is usually fine in summer. 7. Kate wasn't at school yesterday. She was ill. 8. He will be seventeen in a month.

б) 1. I have a new tape-recorder. 2. They haven't enough money to buy these books. 3. She has no time to do it now. 4. We'll have holidays in summer. 5. This man had a heartattack last month. 6. I hadn't the courage to tell her the truth.

в) 1. My father usually has breakfast at 7. 2. English people have tea many times a day. 3. We had a good time out of town. 4. I don't have coffee in the evening. 5. The pupils have classes six days a week. 6. My friend usually has dinner in our school canteen.

6. Задайте альтернативные вопросы своему собесед­нику

А. Образец: I'm a pupil (a student).

Are you a pupil or a student?

1. Kate is at home (at school). 2. They are in England (Scotland). 3. Oxford is far from (near) London. 4. She is a writer (a painter). 5. She is interested in music (drawing). 5. I am seventeen (eighteen) years old. 6. The ice was thick (thin) on the river. 7. That was Jane (Ann) on the phone. 8. He was rude (polite) with you. 9. It will be cold (warm) tomorrow. 9. The weather will be fine (rainy) next week.

В. Образец: You have many (few) friends at school?

Have you many or few friends at school?

I had dinner at home (at school) yesterday.

Did you have dinner at home or at school yesterday?

1. They have a house (a flat) in Minsk. 2. My friend has a lot of English (French) books. 3. Our family had a rest in the countryside (abroad) last summer. 4. I usually have coffee (tea) in the morning. 5. We have meals three (four) times a day. 6. You will have five (six) lessons tomorrow.

Ответьте на вопросы

а) 1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. When were you born? 4. Where are you from? 5. What are you fond of? 6. Will you be busy tomorrow?

б) 1. Have you got any books by Jack London? 2. Has your flat all modern conveniences? 3. Will you have some tea? 4. How often do you have English classes? 5. Has your mother a lot of work to do about the house? 6. Did you have any idea how to solve this problem?

8. Дополните разделительные вопросы

A. Образец: You are fond of sports, aren't you?

You are not fond of sports, are you?

1. The water is deep here,...? 2. This is the front of the queue,...? 3. Tom was over there,...? 4. They were in a hurry,...? 5. The weather isn't bad,...? 6. There wasn't a lot of noise,...? 7. Bob will be surprised,...?

B. Образец: You have got a watch, haven't you?

You have coffee in the morning, don't you?

1. You have got this information,...? 2. The English alphabet has 26 letters,...? 3. Short people always have bad tempers,...? 4. You had breakfast at home,...? 5. She will have a party next week,...? 6. The child has milk before going to bed,...? 7. You haven't got the English text-book today,...?

Задайте специальные вопросы своему собеседнику, используя предложенные вопросительные слова

Образец: 1. They were late.

a) Why were they late?

b) Who was late?

2. He will have examinations soon.

a) When will he have examinations?

b) Who will have examinations soon?

1. The boy is lucky, he cought a big fish yesterday. 2. We'll have a lecture on history tomorrow. 3. English people have many old customs and traditions. 4. It's 10 o'clock. 5. She will have an examination next week. 6. He is 21 years old and I'm 17. 7. I haven't got a computer. 8. He had a letter for you on the table. 9. They were in this town last year. who when where why what how many how often how old what time

10.Употребите глаголы to have или to bе в нужной форме

а) 1. It... difficult to find a job now,... it? 2. I want... a doctor, that is why I... a student of the Medical Institute. 3. There is no school in this village and the children go to the school which... two miles away. 4. How old... you? – I... 17. 5.... you English lessons twice a week? – Yes, we.... 6. I... no time to help you yesterday. I... very sorry about it. 7. We... a conference tomorrow. So I... busy with my report today. 8. There... only two faculties at the Belarusian University in 1921, now there... twelve faculties there. 9. My sister... a second-year student of the Law Faculty. She... a lawyer. 10. You... in the final year at school,... you? Yes, I.... 11. What... you fond of? My hobby... drawing.

б) 1. The U.S.A... various natural resources and... one of the richest countries in the world. 2. The Soviet Un­ion... the first country to send a man into space. 3. My mother... the only person I can talk to. 4. Will you... any lectures tomorrow? 5. Health... a priceless possession. 6. Physics... my favourite subject at school. 7. Fortunately the news... not as bad as they had expected. 8. Your clothes... out of fashion, you should buy something new. 9. He... a lot of trouble with his car yesterday. 10. Their new furniture... very beautiful and expensive. 11. I think that three days... not long enough for a good holiday. 12. My grandfather... short grey hair but my grandmother's hair... long and thick. 13. Money spent on the brain... never spent in vain. 14. Your glasses... on the table. 15. My knowledge... not enough for making this experiment.

11. Переведите предложения

1. Какой фильм был по телевизору вчера? К сожалению, сейчас у нас нет телевизора. 2. Вы были на концерте в воскресенье? – Нет, я была занята тогда. 3. Где вы были вчера? – У нас в школе был вечер. Мы хорошо провели там время. 4. Если вы свободны сейчас, давайте пойдем поужинаем куда-нибудь. Где вы обычно ужинаете? – Дома. 5. Когда у вас будут каникулы? – Через неделю. 6. Где вы отдыхали прошлым летом? – На берегу моря. 7. Откуда вы родом? – Мы из Беларуси.

12. Употребите следующие пословицы в кратких ситуациях

1. Business is business.

2. False friends are worse than open enemies.

3. Two heads are better than one.

4. No man is wise at all times.

5. Every medal has its reverse.

6. Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.

ОБОРОТ There + Be

В английском языке широко употребляются предложения, начинающиеся с оборота there + be со значением есть, имеется, находится, существует. Данный оборот употребляется, когда хотят сообщить о наличии или отсутствии какого-либо предмета или лица в определенном месте. Глагол to be употребляется в личной форме и согласуется в числе и с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним. Неисчисляемые существительные всегда согласуются с глаголом в единственном числе.

Present Past Future
there is/are there was/were there will be

Перевод предложений начинается с обстоятельства места/времени (т.е. с конца предложения) или со сказуемого, если обстоятельство отсутствует.

There is а park near our house. Недалеко от нашего дома (есть, находится) парк.

There are many parks in London. В Лондоне много парков.

There is much snow in the fields. На полях много снега.

There is a book and some На столе книга и несколько ручек.

pens on the table.

There are some ways of solving Существует несколько способов решения

this problem. этой проблемы.

Исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе употребляются в данной обороте с артиклем a/an, существительные во множественном числе употребляются без артикля. Например:

There is a text-book on the desk. На парте учебник.

There are text-books on the desk. На парте учебники.

Подлежащее в данном обороте часто употребляется с неопределенными местоимениями some, any, much, many, a lot of, few, little или другими словами со значением количества.

There are some mistakes in my paper. В моей работе несколько ошибок.

There is much noise in the streets. На улицах много шума.

There are twelve months in a year. В году двенадцать месяцев.

В вопросительных предложениях глагол to be в соответствующей форме ставится перед словом there (в настоящем и прошедшем времени) и will – в будущем времени.

а) Is there a lift in your house? В вашем доме есть лифт?

Yes, there is. (No, there isn't.) Да, есть. (Нет.)

Are there any mistakes in my paper? – В моей работе есть (какие-либо)

Yes, there are some. (No, there are not any.) ошибки? Да, есть. (Нет.)

Were there many lessons yesterday? Вчера было много уроков?

– Yes, there were. (No, there were not.) – Да. (Нет.)

Will there be a meeting tomorrow? Завтра будет собрание?

– Yes, there will. (No, there won't.) – Да. (Нет.)

б) Are there many or few pupils in В вашей английской группе много

your English group? или мало учеников?

How many lessons were there yesterday? Сколько уроков было вчера?

There is a map on the wall, isn't there? На стене есть карта, не так ли?

– Yes, there is. (No, there isn't.) – Да. (Heт.)

В отрицательных предложениях частица not или местоимение ставятся после глагола to be перед подлежащим. Перед any, many, much и числительными употребляется только not. Употребление по исключает употребление артикля перед подлежащим.

There is no picture on the wall. На стене нет картины.

There are not any books on the table. На столе нет (никаких) книг.

There are not many English books В моей библиотеке не много

in my library. английских книг.

Оборот there + be не употребляется, если речь идет об известном предмете, т.е. когда русское предложение начинается с подлежащего. Сравните:

The telephone is in the hall. Телефон в прихожей.

There is a telephone in the hall. В прихожей есть телефон.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 2013 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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