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Vocabulary. appeal - зд. быть обращённым (к)

appeal - зд. быть обращённым (к)

taste - пробовать

arouse - вызывать

produce - продукция

create desire - вызывать желание

careful - тщательный

make use - воспользоваться

lb = librum = pound - фунт

convince - убеждать

jar - банка стеклянная

activate - побуждать

tin - банка консервная

communication - сообщение

sample - образец

introduce - вводить

refer (to) - обращаться (к)

preserves - консервы

attach - прилагать

marmalade - повидло

profit - получать выгоду

spread - распространять

delivery - доставка

enc. = enclosure - приложение

I. Read and translate this introduction and the fax mes­sage.

Direct advertising, in the form of fax messages to a selected group of companies, is an effective way to promote sales. Such sales messages should appeal to the potential customer. They should:

• arouse the reader’s attention

• create desire to make use of your offer

• convince him these products or services are the best ones for him

• activate him to place an order.

Almost any communication can be used as a sales message. Announcements to customers and others or important changes can be used to make your company, your products or services better known to the public, and to attract buyers.

Here is a sales fax introducing a product to a new market:


010 Mortimer Street

London Wl




Our Ref: S/2-02 10th November, 20…

Pages: 1

Roberts Import Company

Av.RioBranco l98


Rio de Janeiro


Dear Sirs,

Re: Fruit Product Supply

This is to inform you that our company is one of the best producers of fruit preserves in England.

Our jams and marmalades are the best for a century and a half. Their reputation is spread by everyone who tastes them. They are recommended by many well-known customers.

English fruit farmers supply the best quality produce from their gardens. Fresh citrus fruits are imported from Spain and Israel all the year round.

Careful selection and preserving ensure the quality of the well-known FARMERS jams and marmalades that are supplied to stores in 1 lb jars or 2 lb tins. We are sending you our samples.

Please refer to the enclosed price-list, and let us known your requirements on the form attached. You may be able to profit from special terms on your initial order. Delivery can be made shortly after we receive your order. FARM­ERS look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Tom Wilson /signature/

Sales Manager


Enc. Price-list

Order form

II. Questions and assignments .

1. What is the purpose (цель) of direct advertising in the form of fax messages to a selected company or a group of companies?

2. Find one sentence in the fax message which contains the best
characteristic of the company.

3. How long have English preserves enjoyed the best reputa-­

4. Where are fresh citrus fruits imported from?

5. What ensures the quality of the well known jams and marma­-

6. What does the enclosure contain?

III. Memorize these phrases:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 692 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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