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Find a more expressive synonym to each word below

special (museum)

interesting (themes)

underlining (smth)

a reduction



beautiful (sights)

clean, pure

IV. Pair work.

1. Student A writes, an advertisement about one thing that he likes most.

Student B is an editor and he finds his ad rather good, corrects some mistakes and reads the model variant.

2. Student A complains about the bad quality of instant coffee he recently bought because of the advertising on TV.

Student B sympathizes with Student A and remembers his own mistake when believing an ad on TV he bought a vacuum-cleaner with a lot of missing parts and could hardly get it repaired.

V. Group discussion: discuss it in a group and list merits and demerits of advertising in the world and in this country.

1. Why do a lot of people believe in good qualities of advertised goods? 2. Can you attribute it to good qualities of things or to good advertising ability of copy-writers?

3. Do you believe advertisements yourself?

4. How often do you read ads in newspapers or in magazines? Do you always read them on purpose?

5. If you are to make your choice, will you follow the advice in the ad or will you make up your mind yourself?

6. What is advertised more in your country? And why? What, would you advertise, and why?

Getting a Job

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 875 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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