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1. - Hello. Is this five-seven-oh-one-two-four-oh (570-12-40)?
- Speaking.
- Could I speak to Mr. Jones?
- One moment, please. Who shall I say is calling?
- Mr. Barnes.

2. - Is this 253-22-74?
- Sorry, wrong number.
- Sorry.
- That's all right.

3. - Pan Electronics. Can I help you?
- Yes, I'd like to speak to Miss Rathbone.
- I'm sorry, Miss Rathbone is out now. Will there be any message?
- Please, tell Miss Rathbone, Mr. Richardson from Manchester called
about a new contract. Could you ask her to call me back?
- Yes, of course.

4. - Operator?
- Number, please.
- I want to make a long-distance call to Scotland.
- You want Trunks. Hold the line and I’ll put you through.

5. - Is that Trunks? I want Glencoe 6240, please.
- Hold the line... I'm trying to connect you.
- Thank you.
- Put in the coins.
- All right - I am doing it now.
- You're through, caller. You have 3 minutes.
- Thank you. Hello. Hello, Jimmy?

6. - Chicago 18233.
- Hello. This is Tom Piper here. Is Mary there?
- Hang on a minute. I’ll see.
- O.K.
- Hello. I’m sorry, but Mary's out.
- Oh. Could you take a message?
- Yes, of course. Just a minute. I need a pen.

7. - Hello. Directory Enquiries. Cal I help you.
- Yes. Can I dial direct to Zurich?
- Yes, sir, you can.
- What's the code number, please?
- It's 010411.
- Thank you.

8. - Hello. International Service. Can I help you?
- Yes, please. I'd like to make a three-minute call to Madrid.
- What's the number, please?
- Madrid 65 43 21.
- What's your number, please?
- Oxford 56767.
-Please put 21.56 in the box and I'll call you back.
- Thank you.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-04; Прочитано: 893 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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