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II. Read and translate the text. Text"Travelling by Train"

Text " Travelling by Train "

Mrs. L. panted along the platform in the wake of the porter carrying her suit-case. Mrs. L. was burdened with a large quantity of parcels, the result of a day's Christmas shopping. The race was, therefore, an uneven one.

No 1 Platform was not at the moment unduly crowded, a crowd was rushing in several directions at once, to and from undergrounds, left-luggage offices, tea-rooms, inquiry offices, indicator-boards, and the two outlets, Arrival and Departure, to the outside world.

Mrs. L. and her parcels arrived eventually at the entrance to No 3 Platform. She searched her bag for the ticket that would enable her to pass the stern uniformed guardian at the gate. At last Mrs. L. found her ticket and presented it. The man clipped it and murmured: "On the right-rear portion".

Mrs. L. went up the platform and found her porter outside the door of a third-class carriage.

"Here you are, lady"

"I'm traveling first-class," said Mrs. L.

"You didn't say so", grumbled the porter.

The porter retrieved the suit-case and marched with it to the adjoining coach where Mrs. L. was installed in solitary splendour. Mrs. L. handed the porter his tip which he received with disappointment clearly considering it more applicable to third-class than to first-class travel.


1. pant - тяжело дышать, пыхтеть

2. in the wake — по пятам

1. Comprehension questions:

1. Why was Mrs. L. burdened with a large quantity of parcels?

2. Where was a crowd rushing to and from?

3. Who is allowed to pass the uninformed guardian at the gate to a


4. Where did Mrs. L. find her porter?

5. Was the porter satisfied with his tip?

6. What class was Mrs. L. traveling?

2.Find in the text equivalents to the following words and phrases.

l) чемодан; 2) носильщик; З) поезд; 4) толпа; 5) камера хранения; 6) справочное бюро; 7) указательное табло; 8) прибытие; 9) отправление; 10) вход; 11) компостировать (билет); 12) вагон третьего класса.

3. Translate the words and phrases given n brackets.

1) Mrs. L. (была нагружена) with a large quantity of (пакетов) and bags. 2) She (рылась в) her bag for (билет) that would enable her to pass the gate to No. 3 Platform. 3) (Выход на платформу) was guarded by (служащим в форме). 4) (Носильщик) took her (чемодан) and marched with it to the (следующий вагон). 5) He considered the tip more applicable to (путешествующих в третьем классе, чем в первом классе).

4. Fill in the prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

1. Mrs. L. hurried... the platform accompanied... а porter caring her


2. The Platform was... the moment crowded.

3. The crowd was rushing... different directions.

4. She was burdened... a large quantity of parcels.

5. She searched... her bag... the ticket.

6. Only... a ticket could she pass... the uniformed guard... the gate.

7. The man ordered: "... right, … the rear portion."

8. She could hardly move... the platform... her carriage.

9. The porter was waiting … the door … a third-class car.

10. Mrs. L. handed … the porter his tip which he received … disappointment.

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